I was able to update a Skyrocket on AT&T to ICS without root (the official Samsung ROM that was leaked).
I was able to update a Skyrocket on AT&T to ICS without root (the official Samsung ROM that was leaked).
Was about to comment saying the same thing.
Yup, NFC equipped Android device + HP Envy Specre came to mind.
True, all Samsung phones have no limitations to flashing custom ROMs. In my experience, they are the easiest to do so with.
I love middle mouse clicking and end up with dozens of open articles and other tabs.
I constantly have 15-20 tabs in Chrome, never been an issue for me.
Not to mention the 101 mL quick beverage dispenser!
Let's hope it's oleophobic.
So you can shit brix while shitting brix!
Is that not what this D3200 was meant for?
Is the D800 (and D800E) not the successor to the D700? Shouldn't this be a D300s successor? #doesntunderstandnikonnamingsch...
I was just about to say that, I thought I was hallucinating and I've been mis-naming USB cables for the past forever.
Also, if you enable the persistent search bar in Nova settings, you'll get the one similar to that of the stock ICS, where it's flush against the status bar.
His image wasn't posted, his is in a different thread in this article.
Yes, at least the one in Ice Cream Sandwich. I never used the one in Gingerbread so I can't comment on that.
Saw your comment in my thread but didn't see the picture. Looks good!
I think it's an Android feature, I've been doing it on CM7 (and now CM9) on my Fascinate, very useful at night you can quickly change it from lockscreen, and also when you enter a bright environment, you don't have to search for a brightness setting, just wake the phone up and swipe.
There is a calendar app... it syncs with your Google Calendar and whatnot.
I'm using Nova Launcher but the concept is the same, just go into settings for the launcher and make the grid 6 columns by 6 rows (tweak these numbers to get a number you desire) and then place your icons!
That'd probably look really nice on the Galaxy Note, given the thing is a huge as heck brick.