Logical thought has no place where we’re talking about police in America, duh.
Logical thought has no place where we’re talking about police in America, duh.
Good. It’s the only way to get Republicans’ attention - BUT OUR JERBS! Losing the film industry would be a huge fuck-you to Georgia. Louisiana has a similar law moving through the legislature and I hope Hollywood would boycott us as well if it passes (our Dem governor may veto but he’s been anti-choice in the past…
How would you even know, though?
I’ll upvote that. But lets be honest, the turtle will probably outlive us all. Then get one of those glass jars from Futurama.
Not a single one of them can pass a federal background check. Automatic disqualifiers are: domestic abuse, assault charges, DUI, drug charges or positive urine test, history of psych holds, low credit scores, backed taxes, and affiliation with federally recognized hate groups.
They 👏🏼 don’t 👏🏼 have 👏🏼 the 👏🏼 Senate OR establishment Democrats. This is an epic waste of time and energy. Concentrate on taking back the Senate and the White House in 2020, getting the green deal finally passed, immigration, the fact that 5 (or is it 6) states have now practically banned abortion, getting…
Those Russian bots you’ve heard so much about were extremely effective
So you’re saying Trump doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about?
First of all, where the hell have you been?
Black People: Can we just agree not to go with this conspiracy theory that this man was “assassinated” because he was doing a documentary about this Dr. Sebi guy? (Who was not a doctor and did not cure AIDS, herpes, and cancer with herbs and an alkaline diet.) Can we?
Everyone knows that Arya died on the bridge after being stabbed repeatedly and then falling into infected waters of the Ankh-Morpork river.
You know, I mean you just KNOW, that he is so fucking impressed with his cleverness that he came up with a catchphrase for his ‘exoneration’ that actually RHYMES!!!
I cannot believe this motherfucker is going to even be *considered* for a place on the Fed Reserve Board. Every appearance he has ever made on Real Time was just plain pathetic. I honestly think he was brought on so the audience would laugh at how incredibly dumb he is.
When a convicted Trump is dragged screaming from the White House, I expect Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and all of the other illegitimate lifetime appointments made by this traitorous fascist to immediately resign.
I have a couple of HELMS Service/Technical manuals for my ‘92 Civic and ‘09 MDX vol. 1&2.
I wish more manufactures do this...
My 2001.5 B5 S4 is one that I will never get rid of. Yes, it’s a sedan, and yes, it’s silver. Don’t care ‘cause its also a Stage 3+ with about 500 horses available at the wheels. Boost is soooooo addictive.
but the porsche label! how else am i suppose to look cool at Radwood??
Exactly. Or - and I know there are maintenance concerns - a 2004 S4 Avant. Sweet blue color. 300+hp. 6 speed manual. And a hell of a lot less than $50-100k, even WITH possible maintenance nightmares all happening at once, which they won’t.