
Cyborg ended up meeting the Covenant, nice contamination

FYI AMC Walking Dead New Year's Eve Marathon starting at 12/31/2012 9/8c with Seed and ending at 1/1/2013 4:07/3:07c with Made to suffer

Really digging what I've been seeing hope the rest of the film is consistent and maintains this level of wittiness

I will go with the writing lobster for the sheer oddity of the concept

Love the huge Hieronymus Bosch vibe

I will totally ask for this

Wow Timothy Omundson as a member of the Voltron Force, what are you waiting for Hollywood ?

A mecha renaissance would be a blast, and i wouldn't mind a live action treatment of Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3 or Jeeg

"Santa cutie hurry down my chimney tonight" What a jolly and festive double entendre

Now playing

Known as Lamu in Italy and aired in the '80

Beautiful choice ;)

Incredibily good can't wait

Why the Rock wasn't in the first one, it's the kind of franchise he was born to do

I have to thank the work of Albert Barillè (Once Upon a Time... The Discoverers - The Doctors) for knowing that barbers used to practice surgery too

Probably avoiding the mandarine to put his hands on his suits tech


Are we going to get another awesome Daft Punk soundtrack then ?

Wow the giraffe is the real deal here, was it a prop on The Walking Dead's set or something ?