Usually around holidays the commercial TV here in Italy airs Asterix's animated movies which are pretty darn good.
Usually around holidays the commercial TV here in Italy airs Asterix's animated movies which are pretty darn good.
Kudos to the studio involved in making this, really beautiful and well animated. If I not mistaken the release date is 21 February 2013 ?
The woman entered the room displeased to found her daughter still awake. "Doesn't you supposed to be your nightshirt sweetie ? Oh that Maggie, I can't trust her with the most simplest task! Where is she ? I bet she is somewhere fooling around with Joseph the stable keeper" Then the mother noticed her daughter pet…
Aww no love for recycled food
Oh boy, thanks for the laugh (Southpark reference cracked me up) :D
I have to join my voice too and sing the praise of that wonderful scene in which Sister Mary Eunice displayed her awesome demonic powers
10th place 81.86 average life expectancy. I guess I can't complain that much
Thanks, somehow i didn't make the connection
Yeah, I belive it too
Nice pick
You're right, but i was joking about the Monroe Miles struggle, at one point I thought they would hug each other
I'd to say Miles is real dick when he said that Bass was nothing to him, he totally broke the General's heart
I didn't know that Borat was in the last twilight
Pretentious scuba suit ?
Funny as hell , but didn't make me crave for fried chicken
I'm the only one who thought the whole hypnosis experiment was a shout to Poe's The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar ?. A nice touch was the quick cut from the cabin's owner getting eaten alive to the KFC commercial
Having Captain America's crotch covered by Spiderman's head really suggests that he left his speedo at home
The Judge waltzes through the tables, inspiring fear and apprehension among the contestants, he is the most powerful man in the room being able to crush hopes by just raising an eyebrow. Every time he stops at one table the whole room falls silent and crowd stops breathing, feverishly awaiting the judgement. "Oh what…
Nice citation
The crunchy salad served in Problem Child 2 and the dinner served in Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom were a bit traumatic for me