
Yeah, Finch not finding any obviously malicious code (At least insofar as he could examine it in less than ten minutes of planting the virus that burned the 3D printers.) on those fabricated tablets probably gave him a lot of second thoughts. "Are we really doing right here?"

Finch's philosophical musing reminded me what I like about the show. Things aren't simply black and white. Just because Samaritan is doing something doesn't mean it's necessarily evil. And the Machine Gang does bad things because they believe it's for the best.

Awesome episode. Answered a LOT of questions.

I think that's possible, but I think it's more likely he's trying to avoid that fate. I think that Wells is trying to save Barry, while getting something out of the time travel manipulations for himself too. I just don't buy that he's outright a villain, I think he'll end up being some shade of gray once his secret

If this show can actually pull off the talking telepathic evil gorilla, it will officially be the greatest comic book series EVER.

If I was unfamiliar with the Batman mythos and saw that and him not letting Bruce get therapy supposedly on the Waynes orders cause they are Scientoligsts or something, I would assume he was grooming Bruce to be a villain.

He's not the best father figure, but he's the most fun to watch :)

Did no one notice Thor's hammer in the BG during the flash back at Rumple's place?

I think Constantine will grow - if it's allowed to - and become a good show.

Honestly, they should try to get Felicity on Gotham as well. It can be a three-night Felicitravaganza!

The parka is essential to Captain Cold's costume. Glad they got it right!

I like how they point out here how Team Arrow pretty much chose to join up in Oliver's crusade whereas Team Flash were basically pushed into it just being there, a nice distinction that shows the difference in the show.

Man, they just NAILED Cold perfectly. The backstory from Johns on how his hate of cops stems from his abusive father being one. The shades for the glare of the gun. The parka. Realizing the Flash's weakness is wanting to save people and using it. The way he uses the gun in good ways. And just the attitude of "get him

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Liz Hurley? Bedazzled? High Heels? What a tremendous oversight...

A little nitpicky, but also how did Gareth know that Carol killed his mom? I mean, it's unlikely that Carol was bragging about it while they were walking, and he couldn't have seen it. There are basically infinity ways she could have died, so him linking Carol seemed like a bit of a stretch.

I still can't believe Tyreese spared baseball cap guy's life in the season premiere. I can understand wanting to show humanity in an inhuman world, but letting a man who threatened to kill a baby and then sent you out to die is a seriously stupid move.

Darla taught the badger to walk on two legs

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Has no one yet pointed out how the camera just glanced over a pen full of BLOODY, STRIPPED HUMAN SKELETONS while Rick and Co. were being herded by gunfire, as if it were an afterthought? Michelle MacLaren cannot disappoint with her directing.

I think it's silly because again, we can visually watch a guy tear someone's throat out with his teeth, but if someone says "fuck" it's the goddamn end of the world.