But...what if the bomb doesn’t really know what it is?
But...what if the bomb doesn’t really know what it is?
All left in the same car, on the same day, by the same guy:
Never before has the Rubberbandits song “Horse Outside” been more relevant.
Must be one helluva wedgie...
CP at that price, but I can attest to this car’s handling prowess. Used to autocross a 190E 2.3 on a regular basis in my somewhat misspent youth. It wasn’t my car, but I had a friend who had two. The car handled well in my hands...exceptionally well in someone else’s.
Wow!! Thanks $kay...my very first COTD.
[Scene cut...13 years later]
And I thought the ramblings on a bottle of Dr. Bronner’s was something...
Because racecar?
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should always ensure your vehicle’s tires are properly inflated. I suspect that the left-front tire was down a couple PSI, preventing the driver from maintaining control.
Also. Related:
The aircraft’s primary chemtrail dispenser was inoperative, and officials moved to the secondary method—coating wings in radiation-activated chemtrail materials. At altitude, radiation from the sun’s rays cause the applied liquids to become gaseous, resulting in a (slightly less-intense) chemtrail.
If it looks anything like the render and has a powerful enough engine, I bet it’ll cut through traffic...like a knife.
The front looks like a giant bee stung the car and it had an allergic reaction...
To understand this commercial, you must understand quantum theory. Please allow me to explain:
This happens all the time in Germany, where political officials are driven around in BMW 7 Series. Except the guys with white gloves are hardly ever used.
Plenty of drivers, but ZERO pit crew volunteers. Ain’t nobody wanna be standing around when that thing needs tires/fuel/human limbs...
It’s the same as racing in America, but they just go the opposite direction.