
It’s the 2019 Cars and Coffee Limited Edition Corvette.  Ultra-low mileage, single-owner, and worthy of any Ford Mustang D-bag Challenge.  Don’t forget, if you meet our price, we’ll throw in a free vintage “No Fear” t-shirt!

This has got to be one of the most “get off my lawn” posts I’ve seen in quite some time.

The comments for this article will undoubtedly be loaded with gun puns, misfires and all.

Mine too. In red, specifically.

I can attest to how awesome it is when I can completely turn off the screen in my XF during a nighttime road trip. My eyes immediately feel less strain and fatigue than when it’s on. (Besides, the 2011 Jag screen designs/interfaces were horrid to begin with, so it’s not a bad thing to shut it off sometimes...)

The wheels on the bus [really do] go round and round. All through the town.

Whisky tango for sure...

Who on God’s green earth did you piss off? Because Camry = 7th Level of Hell.

Rolling a Sir!

Living life one quarter (of an inch) at a time.

CP for me, but let’s at least acknowledge the way-above-average quality of the pictures. It’s not every day vibrant green flora is used as a backdrop for a car (unattractive though the machine may be).

I agree and adults, it’s prudent to factor maintenance and insurance costs into the price of any vehicle. Those are definitely hurdles to consider.

It’s all a matter of degrees, IMHO. Someone who drives a 1997 Civic might scoff at those who pay $100-200 to change the oil in their late-model European car. Others might see no point in forking over thousands for a set of new run-flat tires. A plebeian stuck behind the wheel of the Family Truckster would undoubtedly


If the car had been a Mustang instead of a Supra, I would be on the “too close to reality” train.

If someone buys this car and proceeds to wreck it, will we then believe the -2 psi excuse as being the cause of said accident? Also, would we need to convert from pounds to kilos in order to effectively determine if underinflation was an issue?

How dare you come in here with your fancy logic?!

Looks like the engine decided to surrender.