They had every Princess except Tiana. Could she not get out of the restaurant that day or what?
They had every Princess except Tiana. Could she not get out of the restaurant that day or what?
I really want to make Tigg some Mac'n'Cheese, give him and hug, and maybe, just maybe he'll talk about his feelings and have a good cry and we'll all be better for it. I hate man tears but I mind them less when they are coming from bikers.
Go Ruck makes a back that fits a whole 12 pack of PBR. I'm a chick but I want one of their bags, plus they're local(ish). Thanks for the link!
Does it come with built in Spanx?
Why is ogling him OK but you call out Hooters for the ogling of their waitresses and that when they try and do something pro-lady it isn't good enough because they're wearing shorty shorts? This man isn't even wearing a shirt and he's being forced to do farm work. Where's the outrage about his working conditions?
I have a very short list of people I would catch a case for but she is on top of that list beating out the woman that killed my dog. My daughter is on the spectrum and she has done more to harm children in general than any disorder.
My mom was a reproductive specialist, has a background in health education and science, and worked with low income families for the last twenty years, and is a liberal democrat but still believes that abortions should not just be "handed out"*. Even the left has "Those" families.
Can we also talk about our states rape prosecution laws? I live in Bonner Country where it's still cool to rape your wife as long as you don't leave a bruise.
I paid $1400.00 a month for one child because she was an infant. The military picked up part of the tab but it was an insane amount that I still had to pay just so I could go to work to keep my medical coverage.
I'm a rancher so people's support keeps a roof over my head and food on my family's table. Factory farming is not sustainable, I agree with you on that, but small farms allow the money to go where it counts, right back into the communities they serve. My animals are well taken care of and respected. I have hand…
Or how about supporting small family farms.
If you listen to the song T.I's lyrics about tearing an ass in two are replaced with Black Thought's lyrics and no where does he talk about tearing an ass in two. Black Thought's lyrics are totally different, is that the leap you are talking about? I'm also interested where you are getting sexual violence. Yes the…
Why can't there be lyrics about him lovin' on his wife? It's just a song and a fun little video, not the solution to social ills. There are plenty of songs about causal sex, not every thing has to be a social statement.
Pay my mortgage or buy this.............ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I hate being an adult but fuck I want this.
I want to laugh but I'm 99.9% she is developmentally disabled and that would be wrong but she did call Iranians pigs so fuck her I'm laughing.
And if you are married, well you have just committed a jail-able crime if you actually hook-up.
What the fuck is a Jody Bieber and why can't it use proper punctuation?
I loved this!!!!! My dad drove to the old El Toro base to my it at the BX for me because they were sold out at the stores near our hour (like 6 hours away)
You need to tell my ultra superstitious eastern European mother this. Someone brought one to a sleepover I had in high school and she hit us both with a slipper yelling that we were calling the devil to the house. That shit hurt and I would like an apology.
H&M is one of the few places what I can find dresses that actually look good on me. I have three cuts in every color they make. I'm not thin either but for some reason it works.