The Dictator's Mom Loves

He would not be a terrible rodeo clown. Bulls can smell douche.

Move to the south. Mid-wives are standard in hospitals and the norm. I not only worked in a practice of mid-wives at a low income clinic but I delivered with them.

Pff....some group at the Bonner County Fair in Idaho had these but they were not squishy. They were right next the booth with the church that believes that Jesus and Triceratops were BFFs if that gives you a little more insight.

I know nothing about this dude but KK annoys me so much that if she dislikes him that might make him good people by default.

It's very common and usually the police or a doctor will make the recommendation and it is transferred to a County Mental Health person and they make the final call.

My ex left me for a woman with not as stunning features as me, so this is legit. She was also a home-wreaking hell beast.

I am pro-choice, always have been, always will be, but the case in Idaho that you are citing was not a case of a woman going to a doctor and getting an abortion. She brought abortion induction drugs over the internet then put the fetus in a shoe box under the porch. We only have four providers in the state because

The Cedar Street Market is still there where Coldwater Creek was. The Coldwater Creek store is a block up from the 219 (TWOONENINER4LYFE!) There's even a fancy pants wine bar up there. As for Yerba Mate slushes I think BongoBrew had them last summer or down at the hippie yard sale on Church Street. Across from the old

Sandpoint go very hippy and liberal so you are more than welcome to come join us up here. We have Yerba Mate slushies!

Sandpoint Idaho was the first in the state to do this in 2011 and we are far smaller and the birthplace of Sarah Palin yet we recognize the rights of all people. Get it together rest of Idaho.

THANK YOU. I also live in Sandpoint and we did it first. Also Sandpoint is just cooler than CDA and those flatlanders down in Boise

I wish he would come visit here and make comments about everything.

I was mistaken, it was cells taken from her when she underwent surgery for cancer. I wrote genes instead and was wrong.

I had never heard of her until about a week ago so it's still pretty fresh in my mind. I don't work in research so it's been a huge eye-opener for me on the ethics that are currently used.

I'm going to look for it! It's a really interesting story and one that I want to know more about. Thank you again!

Thanks, I wasn't sure if genes were taken or the cells. I know the family didn't know but was it ever proven that doctors didn't tell her? This was a discussion in an ethics class about informed consent and it came up that she could of known and just never told her family.

The first thing that comes to mind here is Henrietta Lacks. Her cancer genes were taken the research from them gave us the polio vaccine. This is a huge ethical gray area and one that needs to be better explored. If genes are going to be used for the greater good should they belong to research companies?

Other lessons learned that day, Rape: Don't go in dark alleys, All The STDs will kill you or render your lady parts useless for future babies, Adoption! Giving your baby to rich white people will boost your self esteem after you've become an unloveable slut, and my favorite, Getting Raped is Probably Your Fault if You

I went to public school and the paper heart lady came and explained to all of us how we would have nothing left if we had sex. She was also from a church based crisis pregnancy center. I can't see how this was ok or legal but when I told my mom she had an absolute fit that science was not involved in a talk about sex.

Dear men who think their future wives are chilling at Kindergarten, I'm there too.