The Dictator's Mom Loves

They did, but she was entrenched in a lot of circles that sheltered her and if you questioned her you were labeled a racist and in Post Aryan Brotherhood Coeur d’Alene that was the worst thing to be called.

Dead at you calling him "Josh Brolin's dad". Doesn't Amityville count?

Seriously, Kim had a sex tape that was released without consent and managed to parlay that embarrassment into an empire. BUT SHE'S A WHORE. JLaw's nudes get leaked and everyone rushes to defend her. How do people not see the fucked up double standard? And then because people don't like Kim, her whole family is fair

When you're raised by wolves, you poop like a wolf.

Good to see Vanessa (Ursula's alias when she pulls a HUGE dick move on Ariel) getting cosplayed.

Antonia is a genuinely really cool kid but genuine question; it seems one gender neutral toy is the best option here but failing that isn't it better staff asks kids which they'd prefer rather than assuming a little boy wants the 'boy' toy and vice versa? I'd be more offended by that assumption than the question.

Her fitness level is inferior as per measurements to compete in that scenario based on a breakdown of athletic profiles across all major sports that were based on war games. I wrote a paper pointing this out in every detail when that was the trending media topic, analyzing every aspect of each person. Do you even

I knew this would crop up on Jezebel, and why why whyyy didn't you include more information? Al-Jazeera has a more detailed analysis, including what the bill ISN'T. Quotes from Twitter already indicate misinformation that the proposed bill is for ALL pregnant women — and it's not. The AG himself says the aim is not to

psssh, you stop that! My boyfriend has TWO sisters who were both scientists, one did cancer research and the other did some crazy thing involving weighing atoms and they both made more than their husbands by A LOT and they decided to become stay-at-home-moms. What a waste of their talents and education. Sorry if that

Me! I'm that woman (among many others) trying to cure deadly cancers! But yeah, meh, whatever.

Deli sandwiches don't have love?

That peacock is fucking majestic as shit.

Reading your thought about fast food and traffic made me make this face

I talked about this as part of a stand-up set recently, how the logic that "Nobody had ADD 100 years ago" is never applied to things like Mad Cow Disease. "It used to just be that some cows were aggressive, and anorexic, and liked to flop around on the ground. We called it SPUNK."

You got pancakes! Oh, my mom has got some 'splain'in to do.

"If you're a fan of Simon & Garfunkel, Katy Perry or the Roots..."