The Dictator's Mom Loves

My ex is Asian and my family is Jewish, on our daughter's sonogram pictures we insisted that they put Chinky Horiwitz as the name. We thought it was the funniest thing ever but once a girl used that name when talking about the baby and you wouldof thought she killed a puppy the way we glared at her.

I give zero fucks how they make their money, Spark is fucking tasty and better than a Red Bull.

Seriously? My daughter's father went batshit crazy after a stint in the middle east and hasn't seen her since she was one year old. She's grown up seeing all of her friends have daddys and the bond they share. She has me and a handful of WONDERFUL male role models but that bond that I had with my father she is missing

I really doubt there will be an uproar. I live in Idaho and you pretty much have to punch a baby, shoot a puppy, and have a full on orgy in the middle of Boise for people to really hate you. And even then as long as it's not a *GAY* orgy it still might be cool.

Enlighten me about your barriers please?

Run out and find a husband as quick as possible before that baby starts knocking over 7-11s.

Ha! I forgot that north of us is also oil country!

Not to get too personal but are you in Williston?

Everyone in Idaho wears Carhartt. Even normally fashionable ladies like me. The jumpsuits are like heaven when it's negative below.

She's not really that fit looking and looks like every other girl in the gym. She needs to sit down.

Once in the mall a friend said "Hey, let's go into Spencer's, I want to get some stuff."

I one hundred percent believe that as a society we should be judged on how we treat our people with cognitive and or physical disabilities, children, and animals. When groups are deemed less than the whole it makes it very easy to treat them in horrid manners. I also work with severely cognitively impaired people.

You Can Easily Judge the Character of a Man by How He Treats Those Who Can Do Nothing for Him

Your nightmare is what I wish would happen to me on a boring Thursday.

She has crazy eyes and looks like she is going to shank that guy for not using a coaster.

When I was little I went to a stuffy church filled with olds then I went to a revival and it was like damn. There's amazing hats and fans. Come for the Jesus stay for the hats.

I was on IM with a cousin in the middle east when our other cousin's chopper went down. My mom called me and I was able to IM him and tell him what happened and he was able to see him before he MedVaced out to Germany. This all happened within half an hour. Our cousin lived but it was very touch and go. It was just

Die Antwoord is appropriate for every situation.

So does this mean I have to stop having sex with men if we are at war? Because that would really be lame.

As in Creed from The Office or Creed the shitty band????? I'm at work and can't watch, I need updates!