The worst part was my dog had met him so the usually barking and intimidating Rott let him in.
The worst part was my dog had met him so the usually barking and intimidating Rott let him in.
Pump your breaks dude because no one ever said women don't do this. This conversation was about experiences we've had and I've never had a woman do that to me. Crazy comes in all genders and no one said otherwise.
This has to be a pretty big problem because I have heard other stories from women I know about guys that won't leave their homes when asked to leave a party of other social event. It's like they think "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, YOU HAVE A VAGINA". This also happened to me once with a guy that I had been out with a…
I will never understand men that think they can stay some where after they have been asked to leave. This happened over the summer at a BBQ where a man was told to leave because he was terrorizing one of my friends cats. He had to be dragged out fighting all the way like it was his right to be in a…
I live on the border and the main problem I'm seeing with people in Spokane is the fear tactics. The ads that say you can be sued for not being "Pro-Gay" and the ones saying people have lost their businesses over it are pushing people away. Living right next to a Live Free or Die state changes the political landscape…
I may have just figured out why my grandma was too busy to have brunch with me a few weeks ago....
That's right because we all go to work just for extra shopping money that our husbands wont give us! It also teaches us ladies the value of a dollar when we pay for those manis our selves.
When I had a nanny my child was a military dependent and we were given a list from the base we were stationed at. The providers were screened for us they seemed more qualified then other options we had at the time. Then I moved to Idaho with my child where licensing is non existent. I had the ability to wait till I…
When I was a kid if I didn't go to midnight mass I couldn't open a gift early. This rule stands still as an adult so I'm sure if I get excommunicated I won't get any presents ever. I one of those kinda shitty Catholics who only goes on holidays and likes their birth control and single parent status.
I went down that google rabbit hole and wow, just wow. Scum-O-Rama is just wow. To call what I do with my vagina "dangerous" and "Damaging" is exactly the same yammering on I get from the right wing.
I just can't with that. That level of hate is just amazing and I live in Idaho for fucks sake.
I knew blow had to be involved some how.....
I have a four year old. The only princess she likes is Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time and I would have it no other way.
I need links, I have an afternoon to kill.
I always thought it was the male straight(maybe questioning and angry due to this questioning) that had the biggest problem with Trans people? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I did not know you could be excommunicated based on having an abortion. I'm a Catholic who had an abortion for medical reasons. I also applied for a medical assistant position at Planned Parenthood where I would be assisting on abortions. So I guess I should just wait for my walking papers from the Pope.
Depending on what level he functions at, many people with Down Syndrome go to college and go on to lead very productive lives. I had a few classes when I was finishing my teaching degree with a lady that had Down Syndrome. She only had minimal accommodations because she did process information at a different rate. It…
Please for every thing that is holy tell me that you are related to Miss Cleo?
That would be normal except the guy she did this with was an adult man in college which last I checked was illegal. Glossing over that fact is the main problem here and absolutely disgusting. Teens have sex, I'm not some prude nor do I not think that this doesn't happen. I know that sex can be healthy and wonderful…
Tomorrow morning I'm going to Planned Parenthood for my yearly then filling out my mail in ballot. Every little bit helps :)