The Dictator's Mom Loves

@MakeMeSmile: I fully get this and I feel the same way. When I'm thin and toned I'm better at running and I have more energy. If I dont hit the gym for a week feel it, if I eat crap for a few days I also feel it. I have friends who are overweight, I love them and they are great people but I worry and I try to

@KayKins: But what if that was her emotional problem and now she feels better. Why does it have to be some deep horrid problem? And who says she even had a problem? This could all be scriped, she is getting paid after all.

@worldgreatestgirl: When I was getting an IUD my midwife was explaining it to me and my partner at the time. He lookd at her and said "What is this sperm killing copper witchery you speak of?" I almost died laughing.

@rhoswhen: Pure awesome is who he is.

@nashiitashiI: I think the sarcasm was a little muted in my first and second comment. No its not really something you say unless your ready to put up or shut up. The artist that did it I don't think realized where he was tattooing and treated it as any other tattoo. I also tried to do it in one shot which was a horrid

@overnightly: True story! And sometimes its a good segway into fun time. Like "Hey my snatchadoole has a tattoo, lets take off our pants."

I have a downstairs tattoo. The real thing is very painful but its a conversation starter.

@HonkIfYaLikeCookies: Let me rephrase that. Reguardless of my finacial situation before or after no one is fully immune to a breaking point. Its how that situation is handled that counts. Did I possibly have a better support system? Who knows, I dont know this womans home life. Does money save me from mental illness?

@NickelMD: You practice in a state where CPS actually takes children away? More so they get back to you in under a week? Or they really actually evaulate case on a need for attention and speed instead of passing me to another SW while I have a child with a parent inflected head trauma thats gone septic passing out in

@HRH Your Cuntness aka likepenguins: Its sitting on my bookshelf as we speak, yelling "READ ME". My toddler has found that books are not just for stacking anymore so mommys readding time had fallen behind.

@VooDooDollhouse: A very close friend of mine after she had her last child, were talking about PPD and just the rigors of raising babies in less than ideal circumstances. She looked at me and said "I get it why they drown them in bathtubs, I'd never do it, but I get it." I think you can get to a breaking point and

@HRH Your Cuntness aka likepenguins: Or a religious metaphor that a lot of people don't know is a religous metaphor. I've had conversations with ladies I know who read this and when I say "well isnt there a large Mormon undertone?" I'm met with a "huuuuuh?" And these are women that don't really like Mormons to begin

@HRH Your Cuntness aka likepenguins: I did see the first one while in traction blizted on Oxys with a shattered leg and even then I knew this was just not going to be ok. Lets get deep for a second. Is the "training" of women something we're ok with letting tween girls think is cool. I know women who where trained by

@BytheSea: That would make more sense than whats probably in the book.

@HRH Your Cuntness aka likepenguins: He imprints her??? To fall in love with him?? As a baby?? How does he know the baby will become a good looking adult or not be a total douche? This book is not for children. This crapfeiesta got a childrens book of the year award. Kids should be reading "where the sidewalk ends"

@VooDooDollhouse: I'm a single mother. I have lived at the poverty line and I have crawled my way up from it. My child had no father. Never have I felt that my life was an exercise in desperation (but thats just me). When we left I was living a very posh life to being thrown out on the streets with a newborn. I had

First I have never read a Twilight book and second I'm probably not going to but here are my list of question.

@alula: And when the Overlordesses come I hope they remember who was on the groundfloor of that domination. I was my pass to the front of the Gultin-Free Organic bread line.