@Mnemosyne: well boo! thats what the rest of the week is for, to make up for the two days you didnt do anything.
@Mnemosyne: well boo! thats what the rest of the week is for, to make up for the two days you didnt do anything.
@Mnemosyne: Someone had an uneventful weekend? lol
@Moretta: Did slut mean some thing else back then? Like how tramp ment a fun snappy street dog or singing homeless person?
@rstratton: I spent an hour last night thinking about the insurance overhead and the poor broker who had to calculate all the things that could go wrong to reach a figure.
@LadyTudorRose:I happened to watch to "infomercal" about this gathering on youtube. Oddly they also had Vanilia Ice there which I would think people waaaaay too into music would be more inclined to throw shit at him. Tila ws performing at a ladies night show with other acts like Lil Kim and other women rappers. I find…
I was watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with my dad and daughter and my dad turned to me and said "that Jonny Deep, he doesnt make a lot of movies does he?". Jaw dropped.
All vocabulary aside, if a man came up to me in a furry hat, fur trimed jacket, eyeliner and what appiers to be binochulars? I wold question his saninity right there and turn heel and run.
@amowls: I call my daughter lil mama. Which in Florida was a common term, in Idaho not so much.
@Lizaster: Those are the two most random people doing the most random thing possible. Although isn't Matthew McConaughey the king of Texas? So I guess it would make sense.
@LadySublue: I just thought of that video Madonna did a few years ago for one of the Bond movies. She used Jewish imagry and holy prayer items to dance around with. My mom (whos family is primarly Jewish) was super offended and thought it was disgraceful to sexaulize (is that a word?) things that are ment to bring…
@fffffffffffffffff: I've lived here all my life and I didnt know hipster headress was a thing or what it was for that matter.
@Hooplehead: I use that on a rating scale on if I should be friends with a person.
@FreeMizJenkins aka Valkyrie607: It may also have to do with my rack not reading an email that they were suppose to produce milk. My body is such a rebel!
@Rosa - que seria de mi?!: magnets. shit I need coffee.
@Rosa - que seria de mi?!: Maybe he can tell us how magents work too.
@FreeMizJenkins aka Valkyrie607: Say What! My uterus did not get the memo to stop doing period stuff after my daughter was born. I was back to being like clockwork 4 weeks after she was born,
Dr. Laura and Adam White should hook up and compair notes on fucked up apologies.
@Squabble: It seems like when one person is called out for racism a lot of people look inward and think "wow I just said that with my friends" or "My dad said that and it didnt sound so bad" And they have to defend that person because if they are a racist in the court of public opinion then so are they.
I got a rottie in college, a few years later a boyfriend got thrown in the mix and he wasnt exactly nice. Nyrobi attacked him while I was at work. I let it go as he just moved her the wrong way. When we moved to FL my girl went to my parents ranch and a year and a half later when I moved home with a baby in tow Nyrobi…
All I can say is the church may have turned its back on us but God has not.