Oy With The Poodles Already!

Baby Zeek doesn't have any cousins.Amber is the first to have a kid in her generation.

I don't think so, Katims has a kid with autism and he's made sure everyone knows Max is based on his kid so I doubt it's in his interest to portray Asperger's/his son in a negative way on purpose.

And the ex is was a parent alienator for years, until Ruby got out of control then it she was all :"She needs a father"

lol maybe they secretly hated Mark?

Ha ha, true!

Gilmore Girls is an excellent choice, enjoy :)

They had a problem with Mark appearing in the family photo because he and Sarah weren't even officially engaged and Camille made the argument that they already had family photos with Crosby's girlfriend and what if Sarah and Mark broke up and they were stuck with yet another family photo with an ex. They never had a

If it's true that they'll go through three years next week, maybe Zeek's death will be off screen.Maybe we'll see the wedding and then skip three years and see the family reminiscing about Zeek who passed away some time ago.


1.Did Kristina really tattled on Jasmine? While being self rightous? She was like "Yep, I'm telling on you Jasmine, Hey Cros, guess what Jasmine did". Pathetic.Also, allow me to doubt that something like Chambers Academy can actually be successful with someone like Kristina running it.It's an insult to all the

Lol I figured time was running out to vent, you know, with only two episodes left.

She wasn't very concerned about the family finances when she ran for mayor and opened a charter school.She didn't care so much about her husband's sanity when he was clearly uncomfortable with all the press and photos and all the new found small town celebrity.I'm just saying, she's really not one to talk.

At least Victor has an excuse for his behaviour.He wasn't taught any better.At 10, after having grown up with a mother in an out of jail, how would he know his behaviour is wrong? Note that once Joel and Julia corrected the behaviour he rarely was a problem child again.
They should have just made Jasmine a more likable

"It is what it is" is one of my favourite Parenthood episodes :) I was annoyed with Kristina(even back then, imagine!) because she expected Haddie not only to not protest but also to sort of be at peace, happy if at all possible.I still remember Haddie saying something like" Mom, you don't have the money, Max has to

Photoshop? (Not sure, just guessing)

Jasmine was hated by a lot of viewers(myself included tbh) and it's probably why they minimized her role in my opinion.During the first seasons she was written as a controling person who only saw Crosby's faults, never her own and kept Jabbar from him for almost 5 years.

Yep, dragged is the word. I liked it but really it's the first I hear of this being the 100th episode. Really did not leave up to that,sadly.

I'm sorry but Kristina is at least partly to blame. She raised a selfish,aggressive spoiled brat who thinks the world has to bow in front of him. Blaming it all on the aspergers is one of Kristina's oldest and lamest excuses.
Congratulations Parenthood writers, you managed to convince people that children with

You're totally right! How did I forget about evil spawn Syd?

She's with Burkholder in that baby pic, I bet that's Amber's baby, they probably used a fake one so they wouldn't need to pay a baby.