Oy With The Poodles Already!

I liked the episode, it seemed a bit dragged on but ultimately, the pieces seem to have fallen into the right places.I liked that there was no obnoxious Max to ruin the moment, Drew seemed a bit overly dramatic.Mean, I know, but at the last scene in the cafeteria was I the only one thinking: "Kristina, you have no

Not once did I hear Adam and Christina tell Max that he was aggressive towards Dylan, I didn't hear them admit he was harassing her(which he was) and it was subtly sugested that Dylan's parents were blowing everything out of proportion.Not to mention a real life Dylan would not have wanted to keep studying in the same

I was going to say that, it's definitely Lautner because every 13 year old MUST be into Twilight right? [sarcasm]

Lol I wouldn't be so sure I mean think about it: ANOTHER SIBLING Sid would have to compete for attention with?

Huh, didn't notice Crosby and his family weren't on the show until you pointed it out.I guess they're doing a good job with distracting us.

This is exactly what I've been saying for weeks: Joel was WEAK, he almost never complained about a thing even though lots of stuff obviously bothered him.Julia was strong and when the tide turned and Joel did to her what she had done to him, she had a voice, she stood up for herself and had the guts to say: " No, I

Okay I have always enjoyed Parenthood but now I am actually uncomfortable with the show.I cannot believe that they are sending the message that harassment is not so bad and that Dylan was supposed to take it in stride because hey, Max didn't know any better. They are depicting outrageous behaviour as appropriate or

Yeah, she was acting like college is something that can be blown off and who needs college.Has she taken a look at her life lately? For the life of me I couldn't understand why she never applied to college at least in the following year after failing to get into Berkley.She had this hurt look on his face when Drew

Wow, you need to chill.
A. I wasn't being snarky.I honestly didn't pay attention to the username when I replied or I wouldn't have done it since I have no interest in having a conversation with you.

"Kristina would start a school where Max could run around like the little DICKtator that he is."
Wait, didn't they already do this?

I actually disagree with the existance of the CHarter School or at least with having Max in a special school.I fully believe it is Kristina's and Adam's fault that their son failed at integrating into a mainstream school.All the enabling and coddling they did and continue to do is setting their kid up for failure.How

Yep, Dylan is kissing another guy.She is not Max's girlfriend though, they just hung out for a while(gone on a few….uh "dates"? at his house) so she isn't doing anything wrong. I am considering skipping the episode since all episodes in which Adam and Kristina justify Max's unacceptable behaviour annoy me to no

" (Adam must be printing money in the basement.)"
Thank you for this wonderful line that made my night lol

I know this may sound horrible but I began suspecting a while back that Max is written almost identical to how Jason Katims' real kid(who has Asperger's) is and not how Aperger's kids really are.It really looks like Katims' is trying to somehow justify his bad parenting by creating this character, the spitting image

Oh my God, I just watched the movie!! Joel and Julia are definitely going to get back together dammit. I mean, the show creators even included the scene where Adam looks for Max's retainer in the trash, no way they aren't respecting the Joel/Julia movie outcome especially after they made sure Amber can deliver in the

Huh, maybe I should watch the movie, now I'm kind of curious.

Oh yeah, I forgot Jasmine does have a job.She might be currently in maternity leave though? Who knows, it hasn't been mentioned in a while.

They didn't mention a lawyer.All that was said was that the contract was Adam's responsability(and Adam didn't deny it). Also, Julia being their lawyer was never even mentioned as a possibility so that part of your comment is really dumb lol

On the other hand, the business would still be going good if Adam hadn't screwed up massively.

Remind me, what was the point of bringing Nora into the show? I mean cute kid but why did they need a third kid? She really doesn't serve any purpose and never has served any purpose.