Oy With The Poodles Already!

Maybe the stuff is rented? Does it cost so much to rent stuff for 24 hours?

Lol same thing with me and my cousin: He went to college for 3 years and makes a ton of money and I need to get through lots of years of college and start off with a really low paying job.

I don't think Drew acted like it was harder for him to pick a major than for everyone else.He said it was harder for him than for Natalie.One person.That's it.Had he acted like the most burdened person in the world I would have agreed with you but he didn't, he merely said it's easy for Natalie than for him.If next

Lol, I totally forgot to mention that but yeah she was like "get a degree in phylosphy drew, what are you going to do with econ?

I cannot agree more with everything you said :)

I think the show did a wonderful job in illustrating how much money a kid needs.So a kid doesn't need to go to HP world in Orlando(an expensive gift) to be happy, a HP themed party with all his close friends and his parents is really all that's needed. A kid however needs the basics to thrive and when the mom(Amber)

I know right? Nothing wrong with family helping out but having a kid and entirely relaying on others for financial support, really? It may sound harsh but honestly, don't have them if you can't raise the for God's sake.

This has got to be the best comment I have ever read over here.So true!!

Lol yeah, good catch I never thought about it before but now that you mention it…

Well I strongly dislike starving children.
Young parents(within the realm of reason) can be great parents, low income parents can be great parents, kids don't need expensive toys to be happy.There is a difference between being able to afford luxuries(being rich), being able to live decently(medium-low income) and

I'm calling it right now: No way are they leaving Joel and Julia separated for the series finale :) Of course I agree with you, it will be cheap.

Oh they'll get back togeter at the end of the season rest assured.Totally unrealistic but hey, we're shooting for happily ever after(minus the death of course) given that this is the series finale.

You know, if Kristina was truly worried about her son being accepted in society, you'd think she would have made a bigger effort to raise him better.I'm sorry but it's unrealistic to give your kid everything he wants, whenever he wants and expect the entire world to accept his brattiness, rather than teaching him that

Yeah, the fact that he was the first to deal with a baby really doesn't make Drew the smarter one lol.I agree with everything else you said though.

It came up very lightly, when Amber told Sarah she's pregnant and Sarah asked "You're keeping it?" and Amber said "Yes". I think that was the extent of the discussion. I find this Amber pregnant storyline weird and forced, kind of like they are rushing into creating the 4th generation of Bravermans now that it's the

I took that as a methaphor, as in I think what Joel heard was: Baseball(Joel) is a thing of the past and it will be replaced by basketball(Chris) as the national(Braverman family mainly Syd and Victor) sport.

Lol I was thinking the exact same thing.I wonder if the reviewer was watching Parenthood before being assigned the reviews this season. If the answer is no, maybe they could have gotten someone who has been watching the show all along? Just a thought.

I really enjoyed the Max storyline(it usually annoys me because I think aside from having Aspergers, Max is also spoiled) it was cute and funny at times.Kristina is really annoying though.

Maybe her daughter wouldn't be acting out if she hadn't declared war to her ex for years and refused to let Ruby visit many times.She created a stressful, unstable environment for her daughter by constantly fighting with Hank and always putting a fight about visitation.I find it insane that she now complaines Ruby is

Here's a thought: have you ever considered that Joel enabled Julia's behavior for years. Yes she got worse and worse and he enabled it. It's why personally I can't muster the required amount of sympaty for Joel's whining now. I think maybe this is where we see things differently: you sent Joel as a hero,devoted