Oy With The Poodles Already!

"or if she should allow him to be involved"

I didn't understand the ending.So wait, Frank framed Catherine for what? Killing Rebecca? That's dumb, Rebecca's body is clearly in a state of decomposition far too advanced for it to be believable that the blood on Catherine is her fresh blood.Or was the Catherine framing part of the flash forward and she's being

Oh wow, you really are that stupid.They should make a special award just for you. You are twisting my words and anyone with more than one neuron (I refuse to believe you have two of them let alone 100 billion) understands what I meant and that I'm far from elitist. It's ok buddy, continue to live in your stupidity(I

Lol you must be messing with me since you can't possibly be this stupid, no human can.

No, you're a moron who uses words they don't understand and hear only what they want to hear.

No, shame on those people who bring kids into horrible situations, condemning them to a life of starvation, begging, lack of education and so many other things. I never said kids need luxuries, all I said was that it's not fair to have a kid when you can't even feed and cloth yourself.If you don't want to understand

You're right I don't have much empathy for the poor parents, I used it all for their starving offsprings.

When chris comes to rory's coming out party there's a lot of discussion about him finally having a stable job and settling somewher. when chris justidies buying the volvo with " i couldn't keep showing up to work on my bike you've heard of (work) haven't you? Lor replies "yes but i didn't think you had". It is one of

I love Gilmore Girls and you mentioning copper boom just made me smile and realise how much I miss the show.They don't make them like that anymore these days :(

I heard that it wasn't up to Ramos and the producers reduced her to guest cast;

Sara Ramos(Haddie) final scene felt very similar to Kathryn Heigl(Izzy)' final scene in Grey's Anatomy.Didn't make a lot of sense in the episode but if you take into account external factors it makes total sense. Heigl broke the contract and left GA after promising the producers she'll stay for at least two more

I just watched episode three from season one and omg, I had totally forgotten about that amazing moment with Jabbar and Crosby sitting on the deck, Cros explaining to Jabbar that he lied to Katie about who he was because he panicked and Jabbar admitting he broke the button off the mixing board.The way Crosby looked at

AVM? As in arteriosvenous malformation or….?

I always liked Mrs Kim from Gilmore Girls, she told her daughter Lane that french fries were the devil's starchy fingers and I could never get over that line.Yeah most people won't know what it means, but I know and maybe occasionally another GG fanatic will know too and that's enough :) Lol going around commenting as

I started bawling when the credits rolled so obviously I sobbed most of the episode.It was a great finale, I am really going to miss this show.I won't even criticize anything since this was the series finale.It was a great wrap-up.
ETA: Favourite moment of the series: Amber teaches Max to apologize(and she shows him

Yes, season 7 felt like a different show to me, everyone seemed pretty out of character and some of the things that had made GG unique weren't there anymore.

I will be pissed if you're right!

I think Kristina just wants all the family resources to go to her precious dream school and what adam might want/need be damned.

Nope, Joel was trying to postpone an honest conversation, afraid that he might be tempted to walk out again most likely. That said, what the heck Julia, did you really not think to get rid of the lengerie you used when you slept with with other guys?

Before season 5 Joel used to be one of my favourite characters.Lol I actually don't really think Joel sucks anymore at this point. Hmm…guess I should have thought of that when I chose this username and I should have gone for something more generic.