Oy With The Poodles Already!

Whoah! It's only a TV show and I was just having my own opinion. Why the need to be so aggressive and rude? Can you not talk nicely with someone who doesn't share youre opinion?

I don't think it's all Joel's fault it takes two to break a marriage(in most cases).I think Joel went about it the wrong way though.Holding everything in, showing Julia no sign that things are not okay with him(I remember just ONE time in 4 seasons when Joel complained about Julia's behaviour) and then suddenly

No, not at all.Are you saying I can only have this opinion if I've had a similar experience? On what do you base such an assumption?

Can I just say I hate Hank's ex? I mean the woman spend half of Ruby's life keeping her away from Hank and now she screams at him "She needs a father" ? Really?

Ugh, Joel continues to annoy me and I also saw next week's promo and I anticipate an even more annoying Joel next week.Does this guy ever think about anyone but himself when it comes to hurt feelings? I too love that we saw Haddie and that she hung out with Natalie, Amber and Drew and I swear I was thinking about the

OT: I never liked Christopher, I never understood why Lorelai gave him so many chances and I just can't see, no matter how much others might say it, how Chris would have ever been good for Lor. I miss GG :( I started watching Parenthood because of Lauren Graham.

1.I too enjoyed the Sarah/Julia moment, it was sweet.
2. I've been meaning to mention this: am I the only one who thinks Drew is a hypocrite? I mean, he brings his big sister and her bf to intimidate his roomate because he was bringing girls over but then, it was ok for Drew's ex girlfriend to live in the dorm for a

Lol! I agree it's not ALL Joel's fault, Julia made some mistakes as well, but in my opinion it is Joel who blew everything out of proportions; also, what does the fact that Joel refuses to take any blame and constantly tells Julia it's all her fault say about Joel and his character?

Thank you :) Yours looks cute too!

Sadly I think you are right :(

lol I made an account just so I could comment, I am sick of Joel and just needed a place to vent :D

Julia needs to just dump Joel and get it over with already. Seriously, I don't buy Joel's victim story. No one forced him to stay at home with Syd all those years, he chose to do so. I remember from the first few episodes what struck me was how passive aggressive Joel was. He didn't like Julia's choices but he said