
I gotcha, and all things being equal I would not turn down the opportunity to play it and form a more accurate opinion, other than the fact that its a Microsoft product and I try as best I can to avoid using their products. They have gotten much, much better as a company over the last couple years, but they have a

Gwent is pretty boring, I wish it had more strategy.

After I bought Witcher 3 (before I played it) I bought 1 and 2 and played through them for this very reason.

I love this. I regularly sign little “contracts” that are completely bogus. This or that company thinks they are covering themselves by having you sign away rights and protections that you cannot legally sign away. It doesn’t matter what the paper says that you sign, if its not legal to do so, its not legal to do so.

Its not even close, thats like saying Mario Kart is just 3d models like Forza or DriveClub. They are radically different art styles, and if you don’t like the cartoony art style of Mario Kart (or the realism of GT), its not going to be an enjoyable game for you. Games are more than just mechanics. They are visual and

You are assuming that they are going to fix existing bugs and exploits. As someone who has played a large portion of the HD remix/remasters (including all of SquareEnix’s) I can assure you that this almost never happens.

FFXII is a PS2 game, not a PS3 game.

The game mechanics are one of the best in a Final Fantasy game, but the story is very...meh. Its not bad by any means, its just not great either.

I fully admit that I haven’t played it, so it could be as nice to control as SF. Part of my apprehension comes from having played the original, and the other comes from the terrible graphics. Oh they are high resolution, detailed models, etc..., etc..., They tick all sorts of “current generation graphics” boxes, but

I think XII had some of the best mechanics in FF history. Where XII fell flat was the story, it was just...ok. Which is still far better than most RPGs, but when held up to the lens that is FF storytelling, it falls short.

I think the problem is that they are orange (you can tell in the first screenshot) but they are also translucent and with a really black background they look very red.

The game looks very enjoyable, hopefully it comes to the Playstation VR too!

$400 in even the best CD in the world isnt going to net you more than a few $ over two years, anyway. Not even enough for a Happy Meal.

$400 in even the best CD in the world isnt going to net you more than a few $ over two years, anyway. Not even

I love fighters, just not Killer Instinct. Its art style is...I dont know a good term...I cannot tolerate it (although that sounds harsher than I mean) and the gameplay LOOKS like its closer to Tekken, which has always felt sluggish to me. Soul Calibur and DoA are more my style. With a little Street Fighter every now

I would have to see this in action, because it seems to me that watching the visuals degrade, lighting adjust, etc... would be nearly as distracting and jarring as a frame dip. Or worse, since I hardly notice a frame dip unless it gets < 25, but I am sure I would notice the lighting adjust, or the resolution, or the

Microsoft has already talked about not making many Xbox exclusive titles because they want to support their PC gaming platform as well.

I think most of the popular levels actually fall into this category.

Interesting article but you seem to downplay others roles while slightly emphasizing your own. For example: The programer doesn’t just make a door open, there are hundreds of other considerations that a developer has to take into account, similar to your designer role (in fact, they often have to implement what you

I enjoy FFXIII a lot. The mechanics, the story, the creative time traveling (in the second installment), it was overall a pretty good game. I do not understand the hate for it, and based on anecdotal evidence, I think its a very small number of people that are just very loud (and I doubt most of them have actually

I am right there with you. I was a hardcore Nintendo fan for the NES and SNES era, and turned my nose down on that “Playstation” thing and waited on the N64, which to date is the worst console I have ever played on. The controller was terrible, the use of carts was a bad choice, and the game selection was extremely