
This is demonstrably false. Save games are often > 50 MB and can easily be hundreds of MB’s.

There are quite a few; it’s actually a fairly common trophy/achievement. A simple example, and probably one of the easier ones to achieve thats purely time based is the Kingdom Hearts remaster on the PS3/PS4 which tasks you with beating it in under 20 hours.

So my big question, I don’t care about any of the social aspects, they are just annoyances that get in the way (similar to how many people feel about micro-transactions). How easy is it to ignore these on the PS5? Does it shove them in your face at every turn, or do you have to actively look for them?

No, if you have a digital only PS5 you can only play digitally owned PS4 titles.  You need to disc version of the PS5 to play disc versions of PS4 titles since there is no way for the system to know you are the current owner of that disc.

They are hardly shouting from the roof tops, you have to go looking for E3 spoilers to find them. I am very interested in gaming and I have never gotten a spoiler that I didn’t seek out (or someone replying to a post like this one trying to prove a point)

I am the same way, but what I tend to do is take advantage of it!

Follow this logic to its conclusion. If everyone waited to buy a game until it was GOTY, it would never be GOTY. A game with zero sales will not be GOTY and will not get DLC.

I love this ear bud!

I couldn’t agree more.

Money is not the issue, Little Caesar's is just bad pizza.  I would rather have almost any decent frozen pizza over their pizza. We stop in occasionally for the bread sticks, but I wouldn't touch their pizza for any price.

Clearly many people like it, maybe it would be a good idea to borrow it, or buy a used copy from a shop like GameStop that will let you return it if you don’t like it.

PS4 and PS3 have supported Keyboard and Mouse in games (officially) since day one and you can count the number of titles that took advantage of this on your fingers. I don’t see what is special about Xbox finally adding support that will change this.

I hate to break it to you, but Football is a game, Baseball is a game, Basketball is a game, Golf is a game, etc...


Xenogears is one of those games that everyone raves about, thats on many top 10 lists (and got some pretty great review scores in its time).

This is something that most people do not understand. People will watch Movie X based on their experience with Movie X-1. Even if X is terrible, it will make a lot of money if people loved X-1. The next one though? Not so much.

I feel a lot of this comes down to picking your Kickstarter projects better. I have backed dozens of Kickstarters. Ranging from $10 to $600 in price, and every single one of them has been a success (and not just a “eh, I guess we got something” success either).

People had the same questions for the console version of FFXIV. It took a re-envisioning of how the control scheme for a MMORPG could work, but damn if its not a great control scheme, so much that I know plenty of PC users that use it.

This, over and over again this.

It all depends. Just like I cannot speak for the majority, you cannot either.