Its a single player game, just skip the patch until you are done playing for the night!
Its a single player game, just skip the patch until you are done playing for the night!
IIRC the first patch was a freebie and everyone after that was too expensive for any game that wasn’t a smash hit.
Its mind blowing in any year. I am just happy that we live in a time where they can update games. I remember some bugs that you had to send your memory card to Nintendo to get fixed, and games prior to that just had bugs forever!
The difference is dramatic, it doesn’t take very much money (relative to a full console game) for a mobile game. The scope and size of most DS games were not even close to that of a console game. When you put a full console games development budget into the game, piracy hurts a lot more.
Absolutely. You don’t get 32 bit support for free. There are a lot of OS common libraries and frameworks that have to be maintained, compatibility for 32 bit has to be taken into account and tested for. Each library has to be compiled “fat” so it contains a 32 and 64 bit version to link against, and much more.
How did my post end up here? :)
I really want the Switch to be hacked. I think its an absolutely amazing device, but the game library is underwhelming (I haven’t used my Switch in a couple months). I don’t care about piracy of Switch games, I want to use it as the best compact/portable emulator!
I do. I love Mac computers, I hate iOS. I tend to just not talk to anyone using iMessage though, if they want to use a message service that excludes such a large number of people, I don’t really care to chat with them.
Console revisions are pretty common, even for Nintendo. Not typically in year one, but usually pretty close.
I have a hard time playing games without some kind of audio cue for certain actions or events. I don’t really care much for the music, but timing certain actions (especially a chain of actions) tends to rely on audio cues from the previous action in the chain. Very rarely is the actual music of the game important to…
He wants attention, he wants people to pat him on the back and say he did good. Thats why he sold his cards, for the attention and the gold star. The fact that he tweeted it is proof enough of that.
You are not the only one. Its a complete waste of money, but some parents want to feel like they are doing a better job, and a really easy metric is “how much did I pay on their education/development.” This guy (that sold his cards) also wants that warm feeling from “sacrifice” not only did he pay a lot for her…
If a physical copy of a game requires a separate download (for offline/singleplayer play) that defeats the entire point of physical copies. I wish someone was keeping a list that we can all refer back to, I won’t buy any AAA game that requires a download to function.
If I buy a car I damn well care what it looks like. It was neon pink I would tell the manufacturer I’m not buying your car not because I don’t think it’s a good car but because I do not enjoy a neon pink paint job. Sure the paint job doesn’t really do anything in the car still functions just the same and it may be a…
I think the verdict is still out. A lot of people (me included) bought the Switch at launch because it’s a great peice of hardware. However it’s gathered dust ever since. I occasionally pull it out to play some MK8 but if it doesn’t start getting a better selection of games soon, then it’s not going to maintain it’s…
The Expanse is pretty good, Dark Matter is also pretty good, for different reasons. If you only have the time to watch one, go with The Expanse, of course, but you will be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t watch Dark Matter too.
We will never see those cost savings. We have already established $60 as the base-line for a AAA title.
As others have pointed out, you get in combat quite early on. Other than that though, this is the nature of RPG games. Its a slow boil. They are long games ~40-60 hours so it will generally take 10% of that (an educated estimate based on playing many, many, RPGs, not backed up by hard data) to get enough of the…
I feel you. As a MTG player that has played since (almost) the beginning, I regularly find myself just giving up on the game. I return a couple years later in hopes that things have gotten better, only to find out they have gotten worse.
Two things. One, by the time “everything is digital” it will be time to up the price of games anyway to account for inflation, so you will never see a reduction, you just might not see an increase for awhile. Two, I would pay $60 for a physical copy of a game that costs $1 digital. Digital is worth precisely…