The Devils In The Details

Oooh. May I?

Legally, if they were paid more than the tuition and board scholarship, would the universities have some claim to a portion of their future earnings in professional sports?

I don't recall an occasion when I ever asked a complete stranger (male or female) to pay for me.

The frequency of women walking up to men and, randomly and without context, telling them to pay for things is truly one of the greatest cultural problems of our time.

Is it just me, or does Benjamin Franklin have a massive case of bitchy resting face going on here? He'd look better if he smiled.

Don't forget to pester that woman reading her book at your local Starbucks. She's only pretending to be busy and totally wants you to interrupt her to ask her out.

I wasn't really going for trollishness. More like satire.

Hi, just breezing through here. Didn't read the article but wanted to comment on the picture. That woman would be so much prettier if she just smiled. Anyway, I'm heading to the gym now to hit on the women while they're trying to work out. I think I'm going to ask the hot blonde I have a crush on to smile for me

Proud that this woman represents me. I emailed her a couple weeks ago about the Michael Boggs judicial nomination and got a real, actual response from her - not just a form letter. If only the rest of Congress cared about the people they allegedly represent...

Hey Babs,

[long sigh]


I think Jessica Williams should move over from The Daily Show to be the new host.

I guess I assumed it was implied that discussions of body language don't apply to online communication.

Serious question: have you ever watched 16 and Pregnant? It does not glamorize teenage pregnancy. Also, there as been at least one study on the relationship between 16 and Pregnant and teen pregnancy rates here. The study found that the show was correlated with a drop in teen pregnancy rates.

There are now officially two things on this planet that make me feel broody. Little kids wearing so much ski gear they look like the Michelin Man and can only move by waddling, and this picture.

Hi there Prof. Chernoff! First, thanks for being here. Secondly, where did you get the idea for a class like this? Why Miley Cyrus and not, say, Britney Spears (who I see is mentioned in the course outline) or Amanda Bynes?

When I was 16, I applied for a hostess job at a local restaurant. Halfway through what I felt was a normal interview, I was told that I was being hired because of my ample chest and that I'd be expected to wear button down shirts (everyone else wore polos) and show cleavage. Obviously, I didn't take the job and I went

She IS amazing!