Maybe he has an outie.
Maybe he has an outie.
So, I haven't finished reading yet, but this article made me think a little bit.
A little backstory is necessary, so prepare yourselves for a bit of a novel. I am originally from Arizona, from GIlbert AZ, which if you've never been there, is the rich, white, Mormon capital of the world. (I don't know that for a fact,…
Sorry. Political scientist here. I'm teaching my students about what MoC's actually do during the week so I have lost my sense of humor in search of teacher mode.
Look at you using critical thinking skills!
Apparently we've all been passing around the same one.
I don't like any of their 'Italian' dishes, but the breadsticks and salad are laced with crack.
I am in rabid disagreement with this post.
Darn dangly bits, being all sensitive and crap! Why can't they be more like the Almighty Vagina, able to take whatever we can shove in it?!?! I could only be more excited if I were still 16.
This is the most exciting thing to happen in my life since Point Break LIVE.
I suggest a trampoline. Much better for the jumping upon than peen.
How about dudes control access to their penises? If they stop letting us hussies jump on the peen so much, there wouldn't be so many unwanted pregnancies.
He can allow himself to impregnate other people, it's the same damn thing. He can allow or not allow his sperm to leave his body. Where is his responsibility for allowing his sperm to get into a fertile female? He needs to control his sperm. If a woman gets pregnant, it's because the man didn't control his sperm. He…
So... the guy does not allow sex to happen without protection?
Allow. You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Dear Powers that Be at Jezebel:
Unmarried poor males aren't getting pregnant.
I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to orgasm while thinking in any way about Rand Paul.
They did it with lactose. Same idea. Expose minute traces then introduce larger doses slowly over a period of time. I'll see if I can find the news clip.
It seems logical to me.
I remember reading about this a year ago. The article below discusses a trial of oral immunotherapy to desensitize children with severe peanut allergies that precedes 2009.