The Devils In The Details

That's funny, I always thought that older men were the worst. I would always get the ones who were retired from middle management and seemed to miss ordering people around. Including their wives most of the time. :(

May jmmm has trouble listening?

Not so much. I was a waitress for too long to not make sure she treat wait staff correctly. She is now a waitress herself and appreciates the fact that I insisted on that rule when she was younger. It actually helped her with her math skills too!

This is why I taught my daughter at around 12 years old that if she didn't have enough money to leave a 20% tip, that she didn't have enough money to go to a restaurant! It is bad enough having to wait on teenagers, when they don't tip it is just the straw that breaks the camel's back!

I need to practice this so that I don't freeze up.

I thought you satire was quite obvious, and very funny. Kudo.

I just drove 10 miles to pick up Arby's for lunch because I had a craving! Team Arby's!!

I was waiting to see if anybody else would suggest this! I think this would be a perfect replacement, and would address the diversity issues.

Well, we've all known for years that pineapple makes your cum taste sweet. Right? We all knew that, right??

Now playing

Yeah, she really is always this delightful. She is definitely on the "celebrities I'd like to hang out with" list, with JLaw of course! Check out this video of her on Letterman, it is adorable!

I'm pretty ashamed of California! How are we so low? Even with Napa Valley, we are all the way down at number 8??

I'm not sure that we need to preface this with "homo." If living in unrepentant sexual sin is against the rules of Christianity, then wouldn't that apply to heterosexual sex outside of marriage as well? I mean, if there are rules, shouldn't they be applied across the board?

When I was a bartender, we had a man come in and go directly to the men's room. After about 10 minutes, the owner of the bar started wondering what the hell the guy was doing in there. Turns out, he had shit on the floor (nobody else was in there, two available toilets plus a urinal) and was stomping around

I've shit in worse bathrooms. I was at a dive bar one time where I had to have a friend hold the outside door closed while I squatted over the toilet praying that the bottom of my jeans didn't touch the ground. When you gotta go....

I wonder how he was sober enough to type. Do you think somebody translated. Because every time that I have seen him on TV, he seems wasted!

Oh my, what happened to the formatting there???

I am not sure I ever thought about it in that light. I know that when I helped calculate reported tips in the restaurant that I worked at, they estimated that you received tips at about 10% of your cash sales. And then actual credit tips were added. By that method, however, if you got stiffed on a tip you still had

I see you've worked for Starbucks!

I actually tip well to insure good service the next time. However, if I am in a place where I will most likely never be again (transient tipping) I still tip relatively well. According to this piece, very well. My standard is 20%. But when I am in a place that I have developed a relationship with the server, I tip

I'm glad that you added "illegal skim" because that shit is HELLA illegal! Again, at least in CA. In fact, Starbucks got busted for it a few years back because they pooled tips and included the "shift supervisors" in the tip pool. Supervisors cannot participate in tips (presumably because they are making more $$$).