Was it Mark and not Megan Short who wiped out the family? The article above says there's no information on who fired the shots.
I just want to know why her baby is wearing jewelry.
The Yankees don’t have as much use for Miller than the potential in hitting on the top two players in the Cleveland farm system. Miller’s not going to be around by the time they are ready to contend, so I’m for that move. Same thing with Chapman (though I don’t care who you are, Single A is a long way from the…
Sort of makes you ask yourself what that kind of stat is actually good for?
I’m getting a strong “wannabe Winona Ryder” vibe.
I see your facility with math and grammar rivals Dr. Stein’s with medical science.
I’m not even going to play that “safe state” game this election. . . . .I don’t want there being even the SMALLEST fraction of a chance that we win the electoral college but lose the popular vote. . . .
I don’t like the I live in a blue state, I’m going to go with a third part train of thought. A blue state only remains blue if you vote blue. We don’t have the luxury of throwing a vote away with this cycle. We just don’t.
Libertarians, even though their political ideology is the complete antithesis to progressive politics, somehow manage to draw in plenty of self-professed liberals. And by liberals I mean young white people who want weed to be legal.
Yeah, I’ve yet to encounter anyone who has been able to articulate exactly which provisions they don’t like or why. They just heard someone else say it was bad and it’s with all these foreign countries, so we shouldn’t have it. Or something. As though the US is going to become strictly isolationist, making everything…
It’s popular among a certain segment of establishment-wary liberals to say that it’s not that vaccines are unsafe, necessarily, but that the Food and Drug Administration oversees them The FDA and other federal regulatory agencies can’t be fully trusted, that argument goes, and so vaccine safety is called into…
So...I mean...I guess I sort of get why she’d rather Trump be President than Clinton? Plus the other day Trump just outright said voting for her helped him, so there’s that. Stein 2016! Make America Dumb Again!
I think she’s a total quack. When I started reading about her after the Bernie or Bust crowd started fawning all over her, I saw her use the phrase “Big Pharma,” saw her wishy washy stance on vaccines, and found out that she’s all about homeopathy and went NOPE. Fuck no. You’re supposed to be an actual doctor and you…
I really don’t think that’s what it actually cost. Also it has to fit over her bulletproof vest so the tailoring and fabric choices are not easy.
I’m excited, I don’t care what the haters say. I never thought in my life time I’d 1) see a black president 2) hopefully see a woman president. I’m stoked because that woman had to be made of motherfucking steal to deal with all the bullshit she’s had to deal with, and whether you call her shillary or Hillary she’s…
When I was six years old, my mom showed me Geraldine Ferraro on TV and explained why it was so important that a woman had been nominated as Vice President. I grew up believing a woman would be president one day. And now that day is imminent, and I could not be prouder to be an American right now.
This is false and wrong Tom.