Maybe she was late to another flight and then inferred that her seatmate thought she was fat?
Maybe she was late to another flight and then inferred that her seatmate thought she was fat?
I sincerely hope you get it now.
As a Paley McPalerson myself, I get your point from a purely technical standpoint, but unfortunately, this comment is kind of derailing. The issues that the article takes up are not about white people.
I guess because I don't live Stateside, I was not informed that this is funny/cool/a major get. From a distance, it looks demeaning to all concerned. Maybe you have to be there to appreciate the meta-darling of the current scene in all his fabulousness.
Cho and Gillan in the same show? I would watch the hell out of this.
You need to watch Dallas Buyer's Club!
I wish the entire population of womankind would rise up and collectively tell people that our body size is none of their business and to never, ever, comment on it again.
It's organized that way to keep out people like you! Obviously. Let me enjoy ma reddits dammit.
I am this exact height and weight. People have called me anorexic my whole life but I just have a good metabolism. So sick of thin shaming.
Is there a polar vortex in your heart today?
I too would wear the crap out of them. Can we be clothes twinsies?
I would wear the crap out of them. The designs are adorable!
Saw this comment on YouTube and it blew my mind,
I've been seriously hoping that Nan is the next supreme. The Supremes are supposed to be "glowing examples of health" and I don't know if the writers would consider Downs a disqualifier.