The Devil Built a Robot

In Australia before Tandy imploded they were running an ad campaign touting Australians as being creative makers of helpful bits and pieces and implying they could aid that. At this point they sold nothing that was not a complete commercial product… no electronic components or similar at all.

That's a 5 Megaton Nun, Son!

and, "Keep it together, man!"

No. I graduated.

And two of them are only left/right reflections.

and dithering.

Shouldn't you get like 10 times as much Antartica coastline as Artic?

We traced the call! It's coming FROM OUTSIDE THE SKYDOME!

Only the Freaking Frogs, huh.

Last Good Tie-in?

You're fired.

Oh, God, yes.

You've heard the expression, "let's get busy"? Well, this is a Superman who gets "biz-zay!" Consistently and thoroughly.

I want to see Christopher Reeves Superman vs Michael Keaton Batman.

But do they call him Superman the wall destroyer? No… but you smoosh ONE terrorist…

Talking of All Star, it was my recollection there was a scene where Superman talks to Vartox, and in passing they discuss a bunch of new powers they recently discovered they had, but re-reading says its not there. Anyone recognise where that's from?

Or Irredeemable, Miracleman, Supreme or any of the other Superman analogues.

cog or ball bearing?

Too many people using phenomenon-b-gone.