The Devil Built a Robot

My guess? She’s homelander’s biological mother. She’s very committed to producing another of him and starting a reich of blond supermen. This would fit with homelander’s mommy fixation as well.

We have roo sausages now and then. The flavour is fine but the meat is possibly a bit too lean.

Now I feel bad for the lobster.

Like the body of a crab then. If only turtles had great big claws.

Really this article should have been titled, "Hey! Some people used to eat turtle!"

Is shark hard to come by in the US? Shark is sold in fish and chip shops across Australia as 'flake'… it's one of the cheaper fish to eat.

According to QI at least, the Galapagos turtles had the added disadvantage of being unbelievably delicious.

Lamb has a sweeter flavour and a softer texture.

Never realised that was Naomi Watts.

Interesting… in Australia turkey is the odd one out. It's available, but not common. We probably eat roughly the same amount of kangaroo.

Don't blame me, I voted for AM.

He looks like Kurt Russell died in his pool and was fished out a week later.

A sad day indeed.

Leading to last-tuesdayism.

What role would you be preparing for?

We don't borrow; we don't rent; we don't lease: We TAKE the mind… So in conclusion, we are?… Takers?

Maybe you should re-sit your driving test?

And who… WHO, I tell you… will provide comfort to those poor larger-breasted ladies in this bleak time?

Wouldn't matter how natural. Regardless, the US would be thigh-deep in conspiracy theories minutes afterwards.

From NazA to Nazi.