Like those shortcut sprites used in early 3D games, like the trees in Mario 64… they are discs that always face the observer.
Like those shortcut sprites used in early 3D games, like the trees in Mario 64… they are discs that always face the observer.
As many times as he's seen a man say goodbye to a shoe.
I'll get you a Thetanic Mechanic.
With a dry, cool wit like that you could be an action hero!
Fun Fact: The commodore 64 game of Blade Runner was, for legal reasons, based on licensing of the Blade Runner soundtrack rather than the movie.
This checks out.
A wee little puppet man!
ruh roh, rit's Ratan!
For stoners, Shaggy and Scooby have excellent aerobic fitness.
Mike Oldfield's intro to 'Wonderful Land'
It's been a commonly suggested path to wealth in Australia because of the ludicrous rise in house prices over the last 10 years and negative gearing. I understand what you are talking about though, the house I own has appreciated considerably, but I live there, so I'm not going to see that until, at some distant…
"I have $999,900 but I want to buy a million dollar small house in Sydney! Ah well, may as well blow it all at the cafe".
The response to that is there's a point where skipping the small stuff is still insufficient to buy a house, particularly in Australia. At which point, you may as well enjoy your income.
Depending on when you bought, you do make money in australia in property. Which is half the problem. House prices have skyrocketed to the point where the average home is something like 8 times the average wage, where once it was 3 times.
Those bags of odds-and-ends little avacados are great value for money.
"We are meeting the client today. I know you hate it… I hate it too, but everyone needs to wear something from the dress-up box."
"well… bleep holsters. But my lurid imagination got to work and a compiled a short list of words that could be fitted into the sentence. One word seemed particularly appropriate".
Steady on! No need to work blue.
Chris Isaak's Wicked Game.