The Devil Built a Robot

I'll find ya.

There are also the obscure rich who have all the advantage with much less of the downside.

I love Super Ghouls and Ghosts but I think it's easier than the others.

Disappointing to find the online script for Silence of the Lambs does not include a definitive spelling.


Close. Chuntttttt.

I prefer 'mother puss bucket'.


was he ok?

Is that like a tartan?

That might just be a particularly muddy road.

Waiting for God-o.

I would be interested in the historical evidence for Astrix and Oblix. Middens full of boar remains, perhaps.

I'm looking forward to the remake of 'The Thing'. 'The Things' with Thing 1 and Thing 2.

Tell me about it.

I can't comment… I find it more difficult to see past TC the person to TC the actor.

He's no Brendan Fraser.

New Order produced an album recently. They changed the band name though. Now it's called, "Order".

My wife bought a second-hand copy for me a couple of years ago. She paid 8 dollars for it. I'll say one thing, it's a quality product; beautiful pictures inside.

Another useless Martin Amis fact; He wrote a book called "Invasion of the Space Invaders" (with intro by Steven Spielberg) and has spent the rest of his serious literary career trying to pretend it doesn't exist.