
Conservatives will find ANYTHING to hate and be afraid of no matter what it is or where it is.

Take his Jeep away too. Make him get around on a bike. That would be justice!

Fuck Texas. Fuck cops. Fuck that Jeep guy. Charges should be more serious than a misdemeanor. He could have killed the cyclist. No, you don’t fucking joke around like that.

He was found 30 feet from the road, water would have for sure helped him last long enough to flag down a ride. 

it doesn’t seem like this was a water issue, it took a week before the vehicle was first noticed. 6-7 gallons would not suffice for that amount of time. the real issue is this:

Next you’re going to tell us Santa Claus isn’t real.

You know who else liked to hang out with prostitutes?  Jesus.  Why do you hate Jesus?

But no one is asking Ted Cruz why he’s hanging out with prostitutes? That shit is illegal, and he’s an accessory. In Colorado, it’s illegal to sell sex, and also illegal to buy it, so Cruz was present at 2 sex crimes. Someone really should ask about this.

Old Elon Musk: “Hey everyone. Check out this affordable electric car I’m working on. I think if we focus really hard, we can get to Mars in 5 years. Look at these invisible solar panels you can install in your house. Pretty cool, right?”

Voting Republican — telling the rest of the world “I got me and mine, so fuck you and yours.”

“This historic win will bring back God to the halls of Congress!”
Already ignoring separation of church and state. Good times. 

“Where the fuck is your chin" made me lol.

They all kind of look like they have some sort of legitimate genetic abnormality. Eyes too close together. Small facial features compared to the size of their heads. Don’t know what that means, if anything, but what are the odds this entire group found the same abnormality? 

Man, Garth Ennis called it years ago:

Bet they are all cousins.

hoping they have that battery issue sorted and this Blazer doesnt set the house ablaze.

We are now going to officially recognize that we will officially not answer the question at hand because officially recognized projects and activities relating to identified questions on the agenda do not have officially recognized consensus of officially recognized options available to designated staff and officially

That Solstice looks like it was painted with an old roller.