
Huh, and here I thought that it was Virginia that was for lovers...

A lost member the Axe Gang, but his kung fu was no good.

Like 60% of drivers these days? 

Or fiddle-fucking around with his phone and not watching the road.

Perfect visibility, straight line, already almost out of its lane and no attempt at avoidance?  This driver needs a drug test, BAC test and logbook check...  Either high, drunk or asleep!

Watch out, they will probably put you in the grays for this heresy.


When I was growing up in Germany, “dealers” were showrooms. You went and looked and sat and test drove. And then you’d take an order form and ordered the vehicle as you wanted. You then financed it and/or paid a deposit and got the car some months later. The price was the price.

To be fair, you as a Jalopnik commenter might not be the typical car buyer.

While I don’t want to discourage this approach, from a sales perspective, I wonder how many of the “emotional purchases” they’ll lose without inventory.

That’s one way to raise water levels I guess.

As a Brit, I find it almost amusing that people laud over the original Defender, often paying well over $100k+ for an average example. The new one is actually pretty capable, looks fine, and certainly stands out in an ocean of egg-shaped crossovers.

People are freaking out about the 130 like Ford hasn’t been doing this same dance since 2007 and GM since 91.

Never takes long for a Musk bro to show up and post something cringy and hilarious.   

He’s insanely rich because he started out ridiculously rich because of apartheid South Africa, I think you can guess

Famous Asshole: “Hey, look at this funny thing I found, 95 million followers.”

This is a good take. You can take the kids to the beach, get in the jeep wet/sandy and clean it out with a leaf blower when you get home. When the seats wear out in 15 years, buy new ones from aftermarket (or originals on marketplace). Any dip-shit mechanic can work on these, myself included. Just about everything can

Jeep Wrangler, pick your poison on year.

Hey! He invented that carhole technology all by himself. No one had evcr even conceived of digging a tube hole underground to avoid surface traffic.