
I’ll consider work-spec vans when they’re ready assuming that the pricing remains about the same as stated. It’s about $10k more than a Transit Connect (or similar) but with tax incentives and the lower cost of electricity vs. gasoline it is a very good option.

I think this is what 911s are specifically made for.

how many “get out of jail free” cards does the rental agreement come with?

Customer - “What’s the daily rental cost for the Shelby”

Got to love how his supporters think he is the smartest person not he planet, yet somehow he lacks grade school understanding of basic concepts.

Yes, let the guy who repeatedly insisted he won an election he clearly lost, and incited an insurrection with his repeated lies, back on Twitter.

So is it morally wrong to use Twitter to facilitate insider trading?

Why is anyone upset about that word? Its a perfectly acceptable word.

Republicans are probably pretty upset the NYT aborted today’s original Wordle worde.

The Dow hasn’t lost 50% of it’s value in the last 6 months.

PILES of stocks that neophyte investors and seemingly ALL of the crypto is down like that though. Which suggests that those burned neophytes are getting out of the market.

When neophytes get burnt, hard? They do not easily or maybe never, come back. (At least

I see one minor winner there so your point is moot.

I say just get the best Prius you can for $8,500. Your wallet will thank you.

im sure he will just ignore this and not respond. 

There’s something in the Sir Matthew Hale” (as opposed to simply going with “Matthew Hale”) in the decision that sticks out to me & I can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s like Alito is trying desperately to lend authority to the thoughts of a man who lived four centuries ago. It smacks to me of overegging the

He’s quite good at picking and choosing the historical sources he intends to use to support whatever outcome he’s chosen. Most sources from that time would not have considered pre-quickening abortion to be a serious crime, but Alito would prefer to find the ones that match the decision he’s already reached.

If only there was an election in 2016 that could have made Alito a semi-amusing crank in a 6-3 minority... I remember hearing something about that election, where both candidates were the same and the Supreme Court didn’t matter.

Funny how all the women telling me that in 2016 were already post-menopause.

Great point and important observation. It goes to show, that to the extent that abortion was not historically viewed as a “fundamental” right, it is because historically it was men who got to decide what was “fundamental,” and those men who decided women’s right to bodily autonomy didn’t include abortion also thought

Sounds pretty gay to me.

Good lord, so many...

Honda Crosstour: