
If anyone thinks that somewhere in the back of Kevin Feige’s mind this isn’t on the drawing board for Phase 7 or whatever, they’re nuts.  Especially if the DCEU ever gets its shit together and manages to put up a run like the MCU has.

It’s what Jesus would have wanted.

First time responding to an article here. I’ll make this brief.

Citation needed

The twist is that Colin keeps all of his negative impulses in check for the public by purging them in his hobo-filled murder dungeon.

They left out synergy and blockchain.

They forgot to throw NFTs in that marketing jargon.

Surprised the cop didn’t shoot at it since it’s black.

Better yet:

I’m sure there are going to be a lot of people in the comments saying things like, “That’s it, I’m out of here! I’m never reading this site again!” First, grow up. Millions of people read this site, if you want to stop, go with god.

Oh... I, uh, don’t know if I’ll still come around anymore much after this.

Yes, evidently “the kids” these days don’t punctuate the last sentence of a text. I was recently informed by my 15 yo niece that I “scare” her when I write short, punctuated sentences like “OK.” because it sounds rude. God help us all.

I know that with texts, many linguists have suggested (like Gretchen McCulloch, who wrote Because Internet) that formal punctuation is sometimes seen as pretentious and/or a marker of one’s age. You don’t need a period at the end of a text, for example, as it’s simply understood. I imagine the same logic applies to

Hard to tell.  I lost a lot of IQ points reading that.

Monica Rambeau is my take.

At least up here, the trucking industry and large truck gin companies want nothing to do with these people. ~90% of truckers are vaxxed and want nothing to do with these people.

Goddamnit Nissan, get your shit together and starting doing more cool stuff 

As a European history scholar (and car buff), I’m offended of this over-generalization of Anglo-Saxon.