
Call me crazy, but I think the new Sequoia looks great! I can’t put my finger on why, but I think it is far more attractive than the new Tundra, Land Cruiser, and LX600.

Learning that this car made less power than a BRZ was like discovering your favorite celebrity is horrible off-camera

Like the AMG G-Class?

First thing I noticed. Maybe they just assumed everyone was going to buy aftermarket tube flares for it anyway so instead of going through the effort of designing something Ford just wet to home depot and bought garden edging.

I still can’t believe this is how it looks from the factory.  It looks like aftermarket flares were added to a regular Bronco.  I would’ve thought Ford could come up with something that looks more integrated.   

Th hills are alive with me not caring

I think give the M&Ms personalties at all is creepy. You eat them. Some of the commercials really leaned into that too.

Should have parked a Shuttle in orbit permanently, do to prepare runs further out. Have a small escape capsule in the bay should anything go wrong.

I’m not going to lie, humanity has been pretty disappointing lately.” - That is an understatement.  Things like the JWST is a just a small example of the things that humankind could be doing every day if it wasn’t obsessed with wars, religion, sports and Instagram. 

I love that not only can they fine tune the aim of each mirror individually to the nanometer level, but they can also control the curvature.

the quality focus on this puppy ought to be pretty amazing. they are talking not just about focus of individual mirrors but also aligning the wavelength propagation as it reaches

She also appeared to be reporting from the side of the road without any reflective clothing.”

More accurate scene I thought of :P

I actually own this car. As a Hot Wheels, mind you.

It’s stunning.

Hey uh these aren’t words that should go together.


AT&T and Verizon ... declined to comment but did note that 5G has been rolled out in 40 countries with no interference to airports or airplanes.

/s improvement over COVID cancellations?