
First of all, learn what the social contract is and why it is important. Of course, if you’re libertarian - that’s the impression I get from your comments aka protect yourself with vaccination but detest ‘government overreach’ - then I highly doubt any amount of discourse will sway you.

Used to?

The GOP stands for nothing so they have to be against whatever the Democrats are for, no matter how sensible it may be. Combine that with their decades long campaign to court the dumbest voters and make their current voters dumber and this is what you get. It doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to be different

This is what has gotten me the entire time. Things like masks (especially prior to vaccines being available) and vaccines are the best way to continue to let the economy function as normally as possible but these mouth breathers can’t get past owning the libs.

Do you drive 80 in a school zone? Feel that stop signs are merely suggestions? Pay taxes only when you feel like it? Carry firearms onto airplanes? These are also things the government has forced on you.

Funny, I thought that was the “easily won trade wars” and collapsing economy due to piss poor Covid management. What party was in the Oval Office for that?

They have declared war against capitalism

And wearing masks. I’m going to mask up at least during cold & flu season regardless of mandates. 

See now what ya’ll need is a bit of advice from Michael Gunner, Chief Minister of the Northern Territory. He’s a no BS guy and tells it like it is to these whingy, whiny anti-vax, anti mandate morons. In the past few months he’s been targeted by all kinds of dilettantes and fools including fucking Ted Cruz. To the

Seriously becoming the dumbest fucking nation in the world. I’m getting embarrassed at this point. This comment will probably land me on Monday Night Rehabilitation....

If you are a big businessman like Musk, then running at a loss is bad. (Though strangely, his companies have been unprofitable even as his wealth has exploded. Funny that.) But for the federal government, which can literally print money, the deficit is merely a boogeyman that politicians and people looking to

It might be right to say “everything is still terrible.”  It is wrong (and plays into Trump’s hands) to say “everything is just as terrible as before.”

The Biden administration has:

Making the vax a mandate has forced a lot of people to actually get the vaccine. I think our definitions of worse are very very different. 

Maybe I missed something, but haven’t COVID tests always been free? I know there were reports of shady clinics and hospitals that would go back and try to bill insurance for emergency room visits, but overall testing has been free.

She’s not mocking it, she’s criticizing a truly stupid idea. So you mail one test, one, to every American. 50% get thrown away and families that need more than one because a household needs to get tested have to go out and find more anyway? When someone has a close contact, it’s entire groups that need to get tested

Do you know how many seniors get scammed out of their homes and savings so that they can be warehoused in ‘assisted living’, which can quickly turn into assisted ‘barely living’? Terminally ill people also. Keeping people ‘alive’ is one of the biggest scams going.

I couldn’t decide which meme to use, so I’m posting both.

Alright, alright, alright.....

I think anyone who considers themselves liberal/progressive/leftist or whatever and who didn’t vote for Clinton in 2016 was an idiot who doesn’t understand how voting works. But I’m gonna go out on a limb and say there are a lot more people who bear a lot more responsibility for this than any one person whose vote