
It’s hilarious when people say masks don’t work. Do they tell their doctors that before surgery?

Me: this major study shows that masks work. Anecdotally, our local pediatrician saw markedly fewer cases of the flu, croup, and other respiratory illnesses.

Seen elsewhere:  “I’m going to stop saying ‘avoid it like the plague’ because we’ve learned that people don’t.”

It doesn’t matter. People have chosen what side they are on and they aren’t changing. This pandemic has only reinforced my belief in how stupid people are.

so..... DOJ gonna get a referral for Obstruction of Congress now, right?

You could have said “It’s a Christian state” and been just as accurate.

The party of small government strikes again. The state allowing every common citizen to become an anti-choice “deputy”? So you’re incentivizing people to snoop on any woman in the hopes of snagging a $10K payday. What powers exactly do people have? Can they march into a doctor’s office and demand medical info? If a

This was a super cool and interesting read -- educational distractions from work for the win!

“And get off my lawn you damn kids.”

Fucking Texas.

Is it just me, or does it look like an outback slept with a Lexus.

EVs don’t have head gaskets, so I’m just wondering what Achilles heel they’re going to saddle these things with to ensure the essence of “Subaru” carries through, despite the shared platform w/Toyota.

If you aren’t a fan of the ‘tablet slapped on the dashboard’ look, wait until you see the ‘open laptop center stack’. 

But to go inside, she may actually be required to get vaccinated. I wonder if she’ll opt for the Fyzer or Joanson & Joanson versions.

Mhmm and then two weeks later she got the same dumb nurse who somehow still hadn’t been corrected. C’mon man there’s no need to play devil’s advocate  here.

As much as a year in lock-up and $10K? I guess, in hindsight, those free vaccinations look like a pretty good deal, eh Chloe?

The south is also more racially integrated than you’d expect. We could do better and racism is a problem, but people are fighting the good fight.

Oh this asshole is definitely a Nazi.  Loved his photos from Hitler’s vacation home.  He’ll treasure them always.

Remember this, add it to the pile of all the insane, pro-violence shit Republicans routinely say without any consequence whatsoever from their leadership or their voters, and pull it out whenever Democrats pass, like, a small expansion of some tax credit for poor people or something through reconciliation on a party

This article was worth it for the porn titles alone.