
Yesterday’s article says ScarJo’s lawyers asked Disney multiple times going back to 2019 to discuss contract changes to account for streaming. Disney refused. The contract as it stands only allowed a theatrical release. They even had an email from Disney/Marvel’s lawyers recognizing that they needed to discuss this

WW84 streamed on HBO Max at the same time as the theatrical release and I do not believe they required any additional charges beyond the monthly subscription fee to watch the movie (I don’t have HBO Max, so I can’t 100% confirm). However, I do have Disney+ and to watch Black Widow at the same time it was released in

I’m thinking you are being very naive. If D had said “she will earn additional compensation with the release on D+,” I’d believe you. But they said the release will “enhance her ability to earn additional compensation,” which I read as “because she’s the star in one of our blockbuster movies, her star will glow more

That’s because there’s a good chance they’re already vaccinated. Notice how his spokesperson weasels around the question: “this is pro-freedom, not anti-vaccine.” The (marginally) smarter ones are finally realizing that it’s a bad idea to turn your own audience into a death cult, but bozos like Kirk still haven’t got

That’s because people like him, Carlson, hannity, they're all vaccinated, and require anyone around them to be vaccinated and tested. This is just more of the ivory tower bullshit the rubes love to hear. At least we can all rest assured this guy isn't convincing anyone of anything. If they aren't getting vaccinated,

There are already like 5 or 6 vaccinations that are flat-out required to be enrolled in pretty much any public school district in the country, right?

The projection is REAL. 

I know, right? Does he honestly feel like he’s controlling the narrative here? The narrative is obviously controlling him and he’s playing himself since he can’t get gayness off his mind and out of his mouth. I know gay people who don’t talk about being gay as much as this clown.

Lol why is he so fucking obsessed with us (gays) and AIDS???? Like this guy is obviously a dumb clown, but like, girl just come out or something already. This is beginning to get weird and frankly kind of uncomfortable and embarrassing for you! Which is hard considering… everything about him! 

My favorite part is Matt Gaetz yelling, “They hate free speech!” to a group of people exercising their right to free speech while he runs away.

but from the protective hold he had her they are definitely doin’ it.

This is SOOOO awesome. I hope every time these shit stains are in public, this is the response. Whistles, bands, screams of “Pedophile!” Awesome!

Yeah exactly, this article is trying to have it both ways and it just comes off as incredibly hypocritical.

“Wow, politico are such jerks for making people at LOTO look like rubes. But, yeah, they’re rubes. Just don’t have to say it out loud, Politico. That’s rude.”

Right? Or at the very least, what it would take to convince them to quit pissing on other people’s parade?

I’ll bite. I have an Outlander, and it’s been a damn capable and very reliable car. Does it have a CVT? Sure, so does just about every other C/SUV in its segment. Sure it’s a little more spartan inside than offerings from Honda/Toyota/etc.; but damn if I don’t have a vehicle that’s handled Minnesota winters with ease

Previous gen Outlander was a surprisingly decent vehicle.  It is one of my favorite rentals; I think in a lot of ways I like it better than my MIL’s CR-V.  New Eclipse Cross is just AWFUL though.

This looks so fucking good. It looks like its striking the perfect balance of nostalgia and making sure that you know that this story isn’t Ghostbusters 3. Sure the original cast will be involved but this isn’t entirely their story, it’s all about the kids which I wasn’t so sure about at first, but the concept is