
The Linda Lindas! This song is so good.

Lol, okay, that Lil Nas X screen shot had me laughing only because I imagine the response to his vid will be along these lines with conservative media outlets...

And she’ll be on Newsmax by Monday.

Did people worship this?

In 5000 years, some archeologist is going to dig up a Saab 99 and ask the exact same question: what the hell is that thing?

I’m low key afraid to ask...but here we are. What does this mean? Or is it literally riding a tractor in a swimsuit?

The lofty, noble words of Those Who Came Before <heart eyes emoji>

Imagine having "his and hers custom Rolls-Royces" money and living in fucking RIVERSIDE

“Or is there like a Zappos for devil shoes?”*

I’m betting the purchaser physically resides in CA (and might have even been trying to get it delivered there) but is legally domiciled in Montana.  More likely for "tax reasons", but it set off exporter alarms.

but audiences owe it to themselves to understand when they’re being pandered to in rather obvious ways.

I the original Oz novel, the shoes were silver. It was changed to ruby because silver slippers weren’t as impressive on color film which was a big selling point of the movie.

They were given to her by a witch, obvs!

Flynn and Wood have endosed this demon? That can only mean...oh...oh no!... Flynn and Wood are also Satanic child traffickers!1!1 Could that also mean our holy leader Trump might also maybe be tainted with this evil?1?1 Noooo1!1! Who can we believe? Where do we turn now? What will become of us???

This is not the first massive two -seater wagon Audi,

There are two Mercedes dealers in the state of montana and I know the one in Missoula sucks. Most people on the western side of the state that want a “Foreign” car shop in Spokane or the Seattle area. Those dealers are used to dealing with people from montana and also don’t charge the sales tax.

On one hand, it kinda shows that there’s a CEO that actually knows his business and wants to “get his hands dirty.”

1st Gear: