
Why was the second step to fire A and B simultaneously instead of B alone?

I’m with Tom

I really hate that thing. I think I’m maybe bothered most at the missed opportunity that it represents. It could’ve been cool. Instead we got a bloated, Grand Cherokee-esque gas guzzler that looked like it was due for a refresh the day it was revealed. I’m surprised at how many I see on the road.

Interesting list.  I’d change about half of it, but it’s all in the eye of the beholder

It’s funny how pressed Musk got over someone standing up to him.

Either way, it’s deeply unattractive. I’m surprised at how many I see out in the wild

This is my favorite. I’ll have it in green, though

I remember the Bradley Cooper rumors from a few years ago. I think he’d make a great Indiana Jones

The ones who were fired can now go work on a different billionaire’s phallically shaped Earth escape vehicle

While bragging about how her belief in an invisible man in the sky will influence her job, she’s also claiming that Republicans aren’t part of “the establishment.”

Top left looks like the lost Baldwin

Holy shit, that’s funny!

Is this a wagon?


Such a wasted opportunity...

My pick is the Coronado Bridge. It rises to a height of 200 feet above the bay, and it’s a little over 2 miles long. It’s not quite the work of art of some of the ones below, but the view from it is stunning. I cross it almost every day and it never gets old. Seeing that view as I’m heading toward the island makes my

We saw that DoD got a budget increase for this and we want in on that action.

Oh, man.  This is exactly what I was about to post