
I sincerely hope that more than five of us get that reference.  That movie is amazing.

Why not all of the above?

The best part of the video for me is the anchorperson’s gold and white dress

You might have included the wrong URL in that “documented violence” link.  

Looks like a Polestar collaboration with Dodge

Maybe I’m crazy, but I really don’t think this looks that bad

I think it might just be because he’s a dickhead. He’s very probably always been a dickhead. Fame doesn’t change that. It just makes more of us have to notice.

Had to scroll too far for this.

I wish it were brown with a tan interior, but it’s still cool

I like the Polestar, but don’t love that design. The infotainment system is kind of awful compared to newer models. The Jaguar is cool, but Chucho doesn’t sound like the kind of dog that wants a car named after a kitty cat. Chucho wants a proper whip. The Mercedes is the best answer.

I’m still using a five-year old Spectre 13.  Aside from the battery life, it’s still great for my needs.  Best laptop I’ve owned

I think I like the look of this more than the Buzz.  I’ll duck now.

$60K is the new $30K

I think this looks great!  I wish it were a little longer, and they used that length for extra energy storage, but I could make due with this

I might be crazy, but the Foxconn deal adds a lot of legitimacy to Fisker. Maybe this is the groundwork for the future Apple car?  Amazing to think that something good might come out of Lordstown after all.

Maybe it’s a little boring, but the 911 is almost assuredly what I’d buy with this kind of budget for one fun car.


This is awesome news!

But he’ll look more attractive if he stands next to a less attractive person