
Well, if I just say the right thing, in the right place, at the right time, then maybe they’ll throw me a few shekels.

Dear taxpayers,

I’ll tickle your balls for some Ethereum.

Yep. I think unless there’s some aversion to the Prius, we’re done here.

Fords are for pedo guys! Amirite?


Amazing that they didn’t release this today.

That demographic is just going to send their daughters to states that allow abortion.

I mean, it’s a pretty modern take compared to the millennia-old fairy tales that they pretend to organize their lives around.

Sadly, 45 will be grabbing them by the pussy for generations to come.  

I’m pretty sure that’s a rite of passage in most of the states that want to prohibit abortion.

Let’s end this American experiment peacefully while we still can.

“Just remember that there’s no such thing as a bubble.”

Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.

I wish he’d somehow buy Dogecoin instead.

It’s fine.  Something about the caramel interior already looks dated to me for some reason.  Also, white carpet in a car has to be one of the worst ideas ever.

Jim O’Rourke

Squinting beaver.

I’m pretty sure death by asphyxiation on a distant desert planet is a standard coverage provision in most life insurance policies.

Nice Corvette, bro!