
There should be no such thing as a career politician who holds any one office for more than two terms.  Political appointees should also have term limits.

Term limits for all elected and/or appointed.

I’ve been screaming this for a while now.  The country needs to break up before things get really ugly.

Couldn’t the person who printed that sign for her have asked her if she was sure that she wanted to go with that spelling?

Weren’t the communist countries supposed to be the ones where everyone only had the same bland/dull options?

Come on. You can’t leave Idiocracy off of that list.

Isn’t the absentee vote enough for real Muricans to reject this “fighter?”

Or you could take that $250K and buy a really fast car that actually looks cool, a really fast boat, and a decent truck to tow your boat.

I wonder how many times a rail the length of that floor mirror has been snorted in this thing.  

Vying with the Solterra for the ugliest CUV award.

This is 45's doing.  Q said so.  He’ll be back in office before the end of the year.

I was about to come in hot with a “Who the hell answers calls from unknown numbers?” take. Stupid me didn’t even think about the VM greeting. Thank you for helping me look a little less like an asshole this day.

He seems generally unlikeable.  

How many 6-foot Pugg goals and bags full of soccer balls can I fit in the cargo area with all of the seats up?

Every SUV should have a tailgate

Torch was close, but...

There’s no such thing as good candy corn.  Also, what kind of a monster opens a bag that way?

I didn’t realize that this sort of thing was allowed.