
How many 6-foot Pugg goals and bags full of soccer balls can I fit in the cargo area with all of the seats up?

Every SUV should have a tailgate

Torch was close, but...

There’s no such thing as good candy corn.  Also, what kind of a monster opens a bag that way?

I didn’t realize that this sort of thing was allowed.

I keep coming up with three. That’s within range, right?

Seems like really rich people could’ve done better with the costumes. They should consider hiring Heidi as a consultant next time.

As I move towards my mid-40s, “something weird beyond Uranus” are words that I fear.

I really dislike that interior. The outside of the car looks okay, but why do we need so much random design fuckery on every D-pillar nowadays?

Stocks, crypto, houses, cars, it all makes perfect sense. There’s no such thing as a bubble.  Investment gains will go on and on forever this time.

I, for some reason, don’t generally think of scorpions as being deadly. I guess it’s time to reassess the threat matrix.

We’ve been the best country in the world at killing people for quite some time now. With limited options to hone our craft overseas currently, it’s only natural that we kill each other. Sure it’s not as exciting as using advanced weapons systems to blow up wedding receptions, but it’s effective nonetheless.  We’d be

This is the better option

It looks so happy

Can I use this for punkin chunkin?

You can buy it on Robinhood right now.



This is dope as fuck.