
I took that last line to mean stop punching down on comedians. It was preceded by a story about a trans comedian who was his friend, who killed herself shortly after taking a lot of social media criticism for standing up for him.

Did the Tacoma driver also take off?

You’ve nailed this.  Thank you.

Also, the real estate taxes are going to cause some sticker shock for Californians who are relocating.

If the goal is to carry four passengers and a bunch of EZ-UP canopies, a truck is the only way to go. If he also wants something fast, he should trim his truck budget and buy a fun companion car.

It’s interesting to think of a future where at least twice as many people need to park their cars far away from any structures.

Al Jolson’s ghost?

They caught him because he kept leaving out the ‘r’.

I’m very close to being in the market for a new car. If they still made the V, it would be on the list.

All I could think about up there was of the existence of stock photos.

Is this an attempt at the longest kinja slideshow ever?

I admittedly have not been camper shopping, but that sounds like a lot of money.

It looks like it could’ve been in the original Robocop.

Was 12-10-83 the date that thing was designed?

The shapes that are mashed together at the D pillar and liftgate are really awkward. It looks like three different designers had three different ideas, and they just used all of them without regard to the overall aesthetic. I like that the taillights are entirely on the liftgate. I’ve always disliked that the BMW

Every time I see a new Escalade I think of this:

It is massively underrated.  

One of the best things about them was the way that they would dye your tongue.  I always went for the two-tone dye job.