
Fucking Baltimore is the worst. Baltimore is the only place in the world that would have a show like The Wire about their city, and it's residents be fucking proud of it. It's like a low-rent, white trash Philadelphia. It is the worst place in the US and if it weren't for the crabs I would suggest we cut our losses

Why would she call the police? She's a school administrator and she doesn't know how to handle a disobedient student?

"Desecration of a venerated object"? Seriously?! Are we Puritans all of sudden? How is that even a fucking crime?

12 years of catholic school, and 10 years of living in sin with my lesbian wife. ZING.

Actually, Pew Research sort of did that.

I understand your point, but one thing to consider is that they likely have tax exempt status. If they do, do you think they should be required to follow the same rules barring discrimination that any other institution that receives public funding does?

To their credit, by trying to silence, shame, and intimidate people out of speaking out, Marian administrators are definitely responding to Webb's pregnancy in the most Catholic way they possibly can.

There are few things as hot as asking a woman if she wants to have sex with you and she whispers urgently in your ear, "yes".

This gif... this is going to effect my relationship with potatoes for sure.

Hey teachers - you aren't there for you. You are there for your students. And you wearing that shirt does nothing for them other than alienate them from yet another adult in a position of power. Get your heads out of your asses and realize this shit isn't about you. All those long nights lesson planning will be

I think that's totally acceptable to do at a bar. Most of the bartenders I've known or worked with in college enjoyed giving recommendations. I think it's the sign of someone who actually enjoys their craft. And you might learn some new drinks that you really like.

Also, she looks beautiful in that photo. I'm not familiar with her work at all (i.e. why I'm only commenting on her looks), but anyone whose skin looks that flawless in a candid, smart phone photo is just tops in my book.

You deserve every star in the universe for this one.

And how about that suggestion of facial hair? If you can't grow your white trash 'stache in time for the awards, shave that shit off. It's like wearing a knock off Affliction shirt. It just makes you look desperate to be a douche, which is worse than actually being a douche.

You lose all credibility when you can't even do hashtags right.

...... I'm kind I'd interested in reading Kylie Jenner's novel based on that description.

ugh. Fred Armisen is gross, right?

I tried to read this story. But got distracted by how stunningly beautiful Laverne Cox is in every photo she's in.

I bought a car this past year. It was the most amazing experience of my entire life. Basically because they thought they had me "figured out" as a female purchaser. And I didn't put up with any of their bullshit. Any time I thought they were bs-ing me, I told them. And then I just waited. And stared. And they