
That is better than I could have possibly imagined.

Thank you. Any word on Mrs. Potts?

Yes, yes, fine. Now who the hell will be cast as Gaston & Mrs. Potts?

Thank you for saying this. Bullying is a serious issue for sure and kids need to be taught to treat each other better. But children are bullied daily and the vast majority do not kill themselves. Suicide is a very complex issue and when someone takes their own life surviving family and friends are trying to make

Agreed. Even a broken clock is still right twice a day. But in general she is a hooey peddler.

I agree she totally sucks and I hate any time someone pulls a Dr. OZ and makes wild claims in the interest of making a buck off of dummies. BUT, she has done a couple of posts pointing out how some U.S. companies remove additives from products in the U.K. and other parts of Europe that have been banned, while leaving

There is that moment where he has the look of abject fear when he sort of spins out and is trying to figure out what comes next (could it be pain?) And then I love the second he realizes everything is fine and smiles, like "SHIT, I'M FAL—I'm sliding... FUCK YEAH SLIP'N'SLIDE!"

Pee Wee did it better, Nev.

I suspect they do that for safety purposes. If an employee leaves a Burger King with a bag of BK food, would-be robbers would never be the wiser. But if they leave with a standard bank bag someone may notice. Especially if they are watching the store, i.e. seeing who leaves and then returns in the middle of the

I had a Teddy Ruxpin that I adored. One day its bottom mouth fell off, revealing this exposed metal jaw thing. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, haunts my dreams like memories of Teddy's slow, warped voice playing with only the eyes and top mouth piece moving.

That's it. I'm getting Instagram. TODAY, GODDAMMIT.

Alright fine. I'll admit it is difficult sometimes not to look at a woman's ass when she is wearing leggings or yoga pants. HOWEVER, that's my fucking problem, not the woman wearing them. I'm the one who needs to learn to be less of a skeeze. She can wear whatever the hell she wants.

The only one night stand I ever had was with a guy I barely knew but met through a close friend. He seemed cool, I was hammered, was lonely and decided to experiment with a dude (I am a gay, but was still identifying as bisexual-ish at the time).

I'm not being judgey when I say this, but how can you watch it? The kids are insanely talented and I love waching them dance. But, their coach is such a bully. I seriously can't watch her scream at them under the guise of coaching.

So... what you're saying is that you're a shitty person?

So you raise an interesting question. I mean, her eating my placenta is definitely cannibalism, right?

I'm not sure what it is, but it's some vitamin herb thing in addition to pumping. My understanding is there are pharmaceutical options, too, but she doesn't want to do that.

I once knew a doctor who said on his obstetrics rotation at UVA Medicine that he delivered a baby and as soon as the baby came out the mother tried to get up. He told her to lay down, he needed to deliver the placenta. And she responded, "Placenta? Placenta. That's a great name. I'll call her Placenta."

You are probably right. There was a period of time where I had to block WebMD on our computer, so...

No no no :) She is a teacher. And totally pro-science/medicine/etc. That's what prompted the placenta/lactation discussion, actually.