
You totally forgot the part where Nathaniel is compelled to tell everybody that he traveled in Europe, hence why he enjoys mayo with his fries. Because only the most basic bitch would use this as an example of how cultured and continental he is. All while writing a Yelp review for f-ing BURGER KING.

That's the worst part. Is that it's trying to look "homeless", when it really just looks like he is moving and is stressed because he hasn't started packing yet. Ugh. The whole thing reeks of bad stock photography.

No doubt it sucks that popular culture didn't care when Gavin McInnes wrote misogynistic garbage for the site. But I'm kind of jazzed to think public outcry came from a transphobic article. I mean, it kind of feels like progress. Maybe it's because he so clearly identified his hate speech as "transphobia" this

Can I come to the corner party?

This made me horse laugh at my desk. Well done.

Maybe. But your self-awareness puts you way ahead. :)

I totally agree with you.

Clearly, you know fewer assholes than I do.

Garden State is the Catcher in the Rye of movies. Young men say they love it because they think it makes them look interesting or smart.

The actual difference is about 10 years. And having a sexual partner who is able to consent.

I just left a voice mail asking my mom to hold aside all her catalogs until I come by this weekend. I consider it my duty to protect my mom from this scandal by selflessly taking that (amazing) filth home with me.


that happens ALL THE TIME. My high school offered extra credit if you went to the National March in DC.

We should all be grateful these people are idiots. Could you imagine if they used legitimate sales/marketing tools used for lead tracking?

I'm pretty uncomfortable with the concept, too. But not because it somehow devalues me as a woman.

Didn't she have a really popular blog when her dad was running for president? I remember she tried to relaunch it a couple years ago (and she either lost interest or it tanked). Now it looks like the url has been purchased by some lifestyle product blogger.

I hate being this person, but... do you think it's because of the beautifully written post from Jezebel staff yesterday? Or could it be because the troll got into Gawker and Deadspin today?

Oh I did not know he was in this. I will definitely check it out now.

I'm so happy that my cats both hang out with my big dumb dogs, and as a result, have kind of had the laziness rub off on them.