Mexicali Blues

The potato famine? The Irish didn’t eat dogs during that.

The flip itself doesn’t piss me off. That was the highlight of his already-forgotten career. It’s kind of funny in a way and very embarrassing. I imagine he will watch this clip by himself, late at night, drunk, reminiscing, forever. That’s enough for me.

How exactly does it promote the "destruction of Israel"? By insisting on the Right of Return for ethnically-cleansed Palestinian refugees in accordance with international law? Or is it by demanding equal treatment under the law for Palestinian citizens of Israel?

I think this qualifies as “trying to catch a falling knife”

If you eat dog, you are fucking gross.

I shorted GTBC on the backside of the peak. HamNo just reminded me to cash that out.

So, you’re saying we should BUY?!

Pretty obtuse, but I got that one. (In best Bill Engvall voice) Here’s your star.

I took the Orange Line for years (lived in Malden), and can confirm that nothing exciting ever happened on my end, even after Bruins games.

Honestly, who cares about that charge? She should shrug it off and pivot toward the Palestinian Genocide Israel is currently undertaking with the explicit and proud support of President Trump.